Yuyu no Nihongo (YUYUの日本語・竹森 悠介)
初めまして、竹森悠介(たけもり ゆうすけ)です。
2012年からメキシコで日本語教師として活動しています。 2019年からはYUYU NIHONGOというオンラインスクールを立ち上げ、 スペイン語圏の人に向けて初級、中級文法レッスンを、世界中の上級学習者のために会話レッスンを行っています。
言語学習で一番大切なのはモチベーションだと思っています。 なので、常日頃からみなさんに「日本語を勉強していてよかったな」と感じてもらえるようなコンテンツ制作や、 日本語教育活動を行っています。
YouTube | Instagram | Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Patreon | YUYU e-books official shop | yuyunihongo@gmail.com
Nice to meet you! I'm Yuusuke Takemori.
Since 2012, I have been working as a Japanese language teacher in Mexico. In 2019, I started an online school called YUYU NIHONGO, where I provide beginner and intermediate grammar lessons for Spanish speakers and conversation lessons for advanced learners worldwide.
Additionally, since 2019, I have been distributing audio-based Japanese learning content through podcasts and YouTube.
My hobbies are gaming and anime. I love playing games and talking about anime with students from my online school.
I believe that motivation is the most important factor in language learning. Therefore, I am constantly creating content and conducting Japanese language education activities to help people feel "I'm glad I'm studying Japanese."
I'm very happy to have the opportunity to share my voice with all of you who are using Satori Reader.
Alright! Let's do our best together!