
Actual and fictional news stories on a variety of topics, including world news, local interest, and more.

A cat has been spotted riding the trains in the busy Akihabara area.
Notes: This local interest piece features well-formed, straightforward sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, and a musing, narrative tone.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 16216
A mysterious masked man, who bears a striking resemblance to Batman, has been spotted again in Chiba Prefecture.
Notes: This article is typical of an on-location news report, featuring full, well-formed sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, a conversational tone, and relatively concise sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 7516
A local woman refuses to let age get in the way of passing on her knowledge of traditional Japanese dance.
Notes: This article is typical of an on-location news report, featuring full, well-formed sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, and relatively concise sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 4025
An increasing tide of tourism has led to new rules for people wishing to summit the famous mountain.
Notes: This article is typical of an on-location news report, featuring full, well-formed sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, a conversational tone, and medium-length sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 3056
A local man recounts the reaction of his cat Shiro to his dog Kuro's cancer surgery.
Notes: This article is typical of an on-location news report, featuring full, well-formed sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, a conversational tone, and relatively concise sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2743
Chiba's favorite Batman lookalike has been spotted at a local police station. Is this the end of the line for Chi-Batman?
Notes: This article is typical of an on-location news report, featuring full, well-formed sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, a conversational tone, and relatively concise sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1858
One distinctive aspect of Japanese life is seeing groups of young children making their way to school, all by themselves. However, some are concerned over safety. Is it time to revisit this practice?
Notes: This article is typical of a local news report, featuring full, well-formed sentences, polite (desu/masu) verbs, a conversational tone, and relatively concise sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2314
Describes some of the dangers of something almost everyone has been guilty of: kakekomi-jousha, or rushing into a train at the last moment.
Notes: This article feels like an editorial, featuring concise, well-formed sentences, informal verbs, and a slightly admonishing tone.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2313
A robot developed by a consortium in Japan has safely returned to earth after living aboard the International Space Station and is awarded two Guinness records.
Notes: This article is representative of a broadcast news report, featuring polite (desu/masu) verbs, mostly well-formed sentences that tend to be longer and information-dense, and somewhat technical language.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1613
In what looks to be the final chapter in a saga of convictions and appeals, Italy's highest court has overturned the conviction of Amanda Knox in connection with the murder of Meredith Kercher.
Notes: This article features lots of good crime and justice vocabulary, presented in polite (desu/masu) verbs, and short, straightforward sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1223
Find out which destinations are the most popular for vacationing Japanese taking advantage of the Golden Week holiday.
Notes: This article feels like a on-location TV news piece, featuring polite (desu/masu) verbs, an upbeat, conversational tone, and relatively short, straightforward sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1816
In an effort to study the effects of cosmic radiation on mammals, fertilized mouse eggs have been sent to the International Space Station.
Notes: This article is a little more challenging, featuring a lot of technical vocabulary (though we tried to use relatively short sentences). It provides a great chance to learn some key science terms.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1154
This gripping two-part story recounts the background leading up to the recent arrest of New York City real estate heir Robert Durst. (Caution: Includes information that, although widely reported on, could be considered spoilers.)
Notes: This article feels like a news magazine piece, featuring plain verbs and lots of good crime and justice vocabulary. Sentences are quite long in the Harder edition but should be manageable for most in the Intermediate edition.
Editions Status Total Readers
Medium Unread 926
Harder Unread 471
The conclusion to the story of the arrest of New York City real estate heir Robert Durst, including the role of the HBO documentary "The Jinx." (Caution: Includes information that, although widely reported on, could be considered spoilers.)
Notes: This article feels like a news magazine piece, featuring plain verbs and lots of good crime and justice vocabulary. Sentences are quite long in the Harder edition but should be manageable for most in the Intermediate edition.
Editions Status Total Readers
Medium Unread 654
Harder Unread 371
Starbucks announced that it would sell a birthday cake-flavored Frappuccino for a limited time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its popular iced beverage.
Notes: This article feels like a short feature that you might see on a TV news program or magazine, featuring polite (desu/masu) verbs and lots of good business vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 973
Harder Unread 547
Covers the March 2015 attack by extremist gunmen of a museum in Tunis, including reaction by Japan's Prime Minister.
Notes: This article feels like a newspaper article, featuring information-dense writing, plain verbs, and lots of world news vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 765
Harder Unread 500
For the first time, a dinosaur bone has been found in Washington State.
Notes: This article is written using informal verbs and feels like newspaper article. It contains lots of good science vocabulary, but the sentences are well-formed and the grammar is relatively straightforward.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 786
Police investigate a body left in a coin locker in busy Tokyo Station.
Notes: This article features a lot of good crime and justice vocabulary and features polite (desu/masu) verbs that would be appropriate to an on-air news segment.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 879
Harder Unread 412
More than twenty years have passed since the sarin attack that shook Tokyo. How did it happen? What have we learned?
Notes: This article is written in the style of a retrospective news piece and provides lots of useful vocabulary related to scenes of disasters.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1557
Part two of the story of the subway sarin attack. This installment recounts the raid on the Aum Shinrikyo compound following the attacks.
Notes: This article provides good examples of vocabulary related to police raids and investigations.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 892
Part three of the story of the subway sarin attack. The writer adopts an editorial tone, reflecting on why young people could have been attracted to such a cult and wonders whether Japanese society has made the necessary changes to prevent a similar attack in the future.
Notes: Up until this point in the series, the writing has been mostly factual. In the final installment, the writer stops to reflect and ask questions, some of which do not have easy answers.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 826
With the number of hepatitis cases linked to consumption of raw pork on the rise, the government has banned restaurants from serving the popular dish.
Notes: This article is somewhat technical, featuring the names of government offices, diseases, and other health-related terms. Some of the grammar is tricky, but as always, we've included notes to help break down the harder bits.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 791
Instances of online theft are increasing as criminals engineer new and better computer viruses.
Notes: This article reads like a newspaper article, featuring plain verbs, an objective reporting style, and lots of good cyber security vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 647
The Japanese Coast Guard and concerned locals work to help 150 dolphins that were washed ashore in Ibaraki for reasons unknown.
Notes: This article features polite (desu/masu) verbs and is told in the present tense, as though being reported on-air as it occurs.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 668
The second half of the story about the beached dolphins, including possible causes and efforts to help the animals.
Notes: This article features polite (desu/masu) verbs and is told in the present tense, as though being reported on-air as it occurs.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 570
A powerful earthquake occurred deep in the sea off the coast from Tokyo.
Notes: This article features some technical vocabulary but relatively short and straightforward sentences. It provides excellent background on how to talk about earthquakes in Japanese.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 625
While HIV infections are decreasing in most other developed nations, Japan has not seen a similar decrease. What are the causes and what can Japan do about it?
Notes: This somewhat challenging article feels like a news deep-dive, featuring information-dense sentences, informal verbs, and lots of good science and health vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 626
A tentative answer to the cause of the HIV problem, as well as steps being taken to solve it.
Notes: This somewhat challenging article feels like a news editorial, featuring information-dense sentences, informal verbs, and lots of good science and health vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 543
A team at Kyoto University has unraveled a longstanding mystery about plant stem growth.
Notes: This article contains several science vocabulary items that might be new, but the grammar should be straightforward.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 569
A radio announcer gives a brief rundown of summer festival dates and activities.
Notes: This episode sounds like something you might hear on a local radio station, featuring polite Japanese and friendly calls to action.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 651
Thanks to the support and feedback of users like you, Satori Reader continues to grow.
Notes: Thank you for being part of our story!
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 719
The Japanese delegation to the Rugby World Cup pulls off a stunning victory against a powerful rival.
Notes: This article contains lots of good sports vocabulary and expressions, such as "scoring a goal" and an "upset loss/victory."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 542
Shibuya comes alive with young people out having fun for Halloween.
Notes: This article contains lots of interesting vocabulary and phrases like "dressing up," "zombies," and "hitting police officers" -- in other words, all the usual elements of a wild night out.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 604
Shibuya wakes up to find a cleanup effort underway.
Notes: This article feels like an admonishing editorial.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 708
Each autumn, the beautiful grey-faced buzzard, or sashiba in Japanese, briefly stops in Okinawa on its way to warmer climates.
Notes: This article sounds like a short NHK nature segment, featuring polite (desu/masu) verbs, lots of good science and nature vocabulary, and a friendly tone that is more conversational than a typical news article.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 533
A man in Okinawa is injured after an encounter with a shark.
Notes: This article includes excellent vocabulary and phrases, such as the standard way to talk about "calling in" a situation to authorities, describing injuries as "non-life-threatening," and others.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 540
False eyelashes are booming--but with their popularity comes the opportunity for unfortunate accidents as well.
Notes: This article contains great entertainment and popular culture vocabulary such as "to be the current craze," "live television broadcast," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 517
How not to become the next victim of a rogue loose eyelash.
Notes: This shorter article contains helpful notes, such as a reminder on what is happening in the sasete itadaku pattern, and a variety of vocabulary related to cosmetics.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 696
Sales of New Year's cards have begun. Learn about the special features of the official cards of the Japanese post office.
Notes: This episode contains interesting cultural notes about Japanese New Year.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 556
In a bid to increase flagging New Year's Card sales, the post office introduces new features.
Notes: This article contains a good example of a sentence with sub-items in a parallel construction, as well as a breakdown of kawaii versus kawairashii.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 491
Researchers have confirmed that the norovirus discovered several years earlier is a new type of the virus. Will it become widespread this winter?
Notes: This news article contains excellent science and health vocabulary such as "infections" and "immunity," plus several interesting grammar discussions.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 531
The future that Marty McFly visited is least according to the calendar. How accurate were the movie's predictions?
Notes: This article contains fun tech vocabulary and a discussion of the difference between two words that mean "future."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 517
Will artificial intelligence bring about a bright future or Terminator-style destruction? Opinions differ.
Notes: This article contains tech and current events vocabulary and challenging grammar to describe the recursive improvements in AI.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 559
Who says the Age of Discovery is over? Not teenage astronomer Tom Wagg.
Notes: This article contains excellent science vocabulary, such as the words for "solar system," "star," "planet," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 460
Harder Unread 245
This episode offers more details on the planet's size and location, and how it was found.
Notes: This article contains lots more great science vocabulary, such as words for "light-year," "Jupiter," and "revolve."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 350
Harder Unread 235
They say a trip of a thousand miles starts with one step. Interested in space travel? Why not start by sampling the food?
Notes: This article contains lots of fantastic vocabulary, such as words for the International Space Station, space food, astronaut, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 355
Harder Unread 244
A district of Shinjuku long known for hostess clubs that surprise customers with exorbitant bills has seen an uptick in incidents.
Notes: This episode is replete with interesting vocabulary, cultural notes, grammar notes, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 464
Harder Unread 300
Despite challenges, police take action on multiple fronts.
Notes: This episode contains vocabulary such as words for "proprietor," "coercion," and "leaflet," as well as a note on the okurigana for the verb okonau.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 364
Harder Unread 262
A fearsome snake has a fatal encounter with a smaller but dangerous mammal.
Notes: This article features great science and nature vocabulary, such as the words for "prey," several wild animal names, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 472
Another possibility regarding the reason for the snake's death is considered.
Notes: This article contains an analysis of related words sasu and sasaru, as well as a consideration of different words for different kinds of germs.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 431
This article captures a moment from early in Google's self-driving car work in Washington State.
Notes: This episode contains a word that is literally brand new in the language, the word for "self-driving vehicle," as well as notes on the usual ways of speaking of a "test drive" and "trying on clothing."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 513
An earthling gets a surprise when a crew member on the International Space Station dials the wrong number.
Notes: This article features such interesting vocabulary as "wrong number," "drunkard," and "Twitter."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 535
With new fad diets coming out every year, perhaps the next one will be to go to space.
Notes: This fun article is a great example of a short, understandable text that explains a scientific finding.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 455
Santa Claus gets some competition from an anonymous hero in Okayama.
Notes: This heartwarming article features a few specialized vocabulary words and a note on the twin words samishii and sabishii.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 493
The return of Scott Kelly from the International Space Station provides a glimpse of the effects of space on the human body.
Notes: This article contains lots of good medical vocabulary, such as "spine," "(intervertebral) disk," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 471
An older woman makes an unusual new friend.
Notes: This endearing article contains great vocabulary, such as the word for "sparrow" and a special counter for birds and rabbits.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 562
This trip down memory lane takes you back to when SpaceX was still working out the kinks in reliably landing rockets at sea.
Notes: This article contains several extensive notes, including one that explains what might feel like a very challenging sentence. However, when you get it, it will feel great!
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 560
Learn about a cat and a couple with big hearts in this three-part series.
Notes: This article contains interesting notes, such as one on a word that means "to take into protection = rescue" and another on a pattern for inserting a guess into the middle of a sentence.


Note: This series is based on content graciously provided to us by the author of the Kuruneko Yamato blog. To learn more about the author and blog, please see the bio page here.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 661
Mr. and Mrs. K attempt to save the cat's life.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as the words for "veterinarian," "operation," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 505
The conclusion to the story of the roadside cat.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of two of the many senses of the word moto.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 581