John and Friends in Tokyo

Tag along as John's friends help him tackle common daily tasks like shopping, paying the bills, going on dates, and more.

This fun series is presented entirely via dialog that is realistic but also easy to follow. It's a great way to become more familiar with the kinds of patterns you might hear among friends, including common speech contractions, hesitation words, good-natured teasing, and more. As always, our friendly notes help break down potentially tricky spots so that you can understand what you hear and incorporate it into your own speech. (Ongoing)

Episode 1
Fashion-challenged John asks for a little wardrobe help from friend Satoko.
Notes: This episode contains lots of useful planning vocabulary, like words that mean "in that case," "to begin with," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 11896
Voice Only Unread 2093
Episode 2
As they navigate the shopping center, Satoko digs for information on John's dating life.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of the word ko to refer to adults, one on using nai with the suffix -sou, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 4592
Voice Only Unread 751
Episode 3
John explains what he's looking for and gets some help from a friendly salesperson.
Notes: This episode contains several examples of a way of making an ordinary verb more polite, as well as lots of good vocabulary and patterns related to clothing.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2702
Voice Only Unread 410
Episode 4
John gets down to the business of trying on clothes as Satoko teases him.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains how to use proverbs in sentences, as well as one on a pattern for suggesting a course of action.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1806
Voice Only Unread 271
Episode 5
John and Satoko debate the merits of tight versus roomy clothing.
Notes: This episode has notes that look at several important patterns, including the -te aru pattern and the adjective stem + -me pattern.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1608
Voice Only Unread 239
Episode 6
Done with their shopping, John and Satoko figure out where to eat.
Notes: This episode contains a long note on the use of -doori to mean "exactly in accordance with (the preceding noun)," a note on the kekkou that means "quite," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1567
Voice Only Unread 208
Episode 7
John and Satoko pore over their menus.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a service-industry equivalent of desu, a way of saying something appears in print, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1493
Voice Only Unread 184
Episode 8
John and Satoko complete the task of deciding what to order.
Notes: This episode reviews the difference between kimeru and kimaru, looks at an unexpected use of a word that looks like it might mean "service," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1318
Voice Only Unread 173
Episode 9
As John and Satoko tuck into their lunch, they discuss their meal and different approaches to seasoning.
Notes: This episode contains a long note on a short phrase that might feel tricky.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1271
Voice Only Unread 169
Episode 10
The pair discuss the intention behind the flavoring of side dishes.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down a potentially tricky sentence, one that looks at the difference between two words for "flavor," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1172
Voice Only Unread 159
Episode 11
John wonders about the Japanese obsession with raw ingredients.
Notes: This episode contains a note that takes up the difference in meaning that can occur by using a present versus a past tense verb before the word toki, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1074
Voice Only Unread 140
Episode 12
Satoko asks John about his upcoming date plans over dessert.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word rounin, one that explains how to say "it was more X than I thought it would be," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1026
Voice Only Unread 136
Episode 13
Satoko and John talk about different types of people.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that literally means "camp" or "faction," but which you can use to talk about being a "dog person" or "cat person."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 959
Voice Only Unread 125
Episode 14
Satoko suggests some date ideas to John.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "easy; light; carefree," one on a special meaning of sono, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 895
Voice Only Unread 127
Episode 15
John calls Nanako to plan their upcoming date.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern for reintroducing a previously discussed topic, one on a word that means "mostly," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 898
Voice Only Unread 124
Episode 16
John and Nanako meet up and head to the theater.
Notes: This episode contains a note on using zenzen with positive endings, one on a way to express happiness/relief about how things turned out, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 857
Voice Only Unread 114
Episode 17
John and Nanako have a lively discussion of the film's characters and their motivations.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a convenient way to ask for clarification, a note on the word datte, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 798
Voice Only Unread 102
Episode 18
The pair talks about what to do next on their day out.
Notes: This episode contains a note that takes a closer look at the relationship between the pattern for making comparisons and the pattern for saying one should do something.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 784
Voice Only Unread 105
Episode 19
John and Nanako discover an interesting shop.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to name years in Japanese, one on "dad jokes," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 728
Voice Only Unread 96
Episode 20
Nanako revels in childhood memories as John enjoys some old-time candy.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "if only...!", one on the use of mono/mon as a particle, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 710
Voice Only Unread 97
Episode 21
John and Nanako debate the best place to have dinner.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a phrase that means "to call it dinner," one that looks at "I asked a friend" versus "I heard it from a friend," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 701
Voice Only Unread 86
Episode 22
John starts to wonder if he has bitten off more than he can chew.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the words that start with 以-, one on a fancy equivalent of kara, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 686
Voice Only Unread 84
Episode 23
John and Nanako negotiate what to order.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the shi that means "for this and other reasons," a note on a suffix that (depending on how you attach it) can mean either a negative or a positive command, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 635
Voice Only Unread 82
Episode 24
John and Nanako wrap up dinner.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the phrase gochisou-sama deshita, a common (mis-)use of the word sugoi, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 626
Voice Only Unread 87
Episode 25
Satoko calls John to follow up on dinner plans.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the pattern X ni suru, "to decide on X," one on a way of quoting back what someone has said to you, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 663
Voice Only Unread 90
Episode 26
John shows up ready to help make dinner.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains a contraction for the -te shimau pattern, one that explains a word that usually means "in any old way," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 624
Voice Only Unread 88
Episode 27
Satoko gets John busy with veggie prep.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that sounds feminine, as well as a review of a word we saw before that means "quite."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 601
Voice Only Unread 85
Episode 28
John practices his knife skills.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of suru that means "to make X into Y," one on a use of the conditional to suggest a course of action, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 587
Voice Only Unread 86
Episode 29
Satoko explains what meats you can use in curry.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a suffix that means "-sized" as in "golf ball-sized," one on how to name dimensions, as in "3 centimeters by 4 centimeters," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 559
Voice Only Unread 81
Episode 30
John and Satoko move on to the sauteing step.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "A means B," one on a word that means for a secret to come to light, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 555
Voice Only Unread 75
Episode 31
Satoko walks John through the final steps.
Notes: This episode contains a note that looks at the word mou, one that looks at a special form of ii, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 546
Voice Only Unread 76
Episode 32
John is elated as the curry takes shape.
Notes: This episode contains a note on something people say when following instructions, one on a use of the -te kuru pattern that means that gradual change becomes noticeable, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 542
Voice Only Unread 75
Episode 33
The group sits down to eat.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that you can use to speak of "doing nothing but" a certain thing, a suffix that makes friendly commands, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 526
Voice Only Unread 69
Episode 34
Satoko demonstrates how to make tamago-kake gohan.
Notes: This episode contains a note about how to tell someone to be quiet, one on a suffix that means a particular "school" or "style," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 509
Voice Only Unread 70
Episode 35
John finally gets a bit of Satoko's Special while Kenji opines on John's curry.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "the secret; the knack; the trick" of doing something, one on an expression that young people use a lot these days, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 497
Voice Only Unread 70
Episode 36
The topic of wine leads into a discussion of John's recent date.
Notes: This episode contains a note about the difference between "I understand" and "I know already!"
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 497
Voice Only Unread 68
Episode 37
John explains more about the other night.
Notes: This episode contains a note on "pulling apart" the two halves of a verb in the progressive in order to insert a wa between them, one about a phrase that means "(not) in particular," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 483
Voice Only Unread 67
Episode 38
Satoko and Kenji lend understanding ears to John.
Notes: This episode contains a note breaking down a difficult sentence that centers on one funny-looking expression, one on a pattern that means "as much as possible," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 494
Voice Only Unread 69
Episode 39
The group talks about the importance of values.
Notes: This episode contains a note looking at the difference between two words for "daughter."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 487
Voice Only Unread 69
Episode 40
John meets up with two friends at a local pub.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a famous sentence that seems to mean "I am an eel," one on the term "member of society," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 475
Voice Only Unread 56
Episode 41
The friends begin to catch up about work and dating.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a pattern for emphasizing an adjective, one for drawing logical deductions, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 431
Voice Only Unread 51
Episode 42
The conversation turns from food to work.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that allows you to set up a hypothetical premise, one that allows you to name a general tendency of the world, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 411
Voice Only Unread 48
Episode 43
Saito explains his part-time job as John wonders what kind of job might work for him.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "to do without letup," one on an expression that means "to deal with someone," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 393
Voice Only Unread 44
Episode 44
John impresses his friends by using a word that means "to relate proportionally."
Notes: This episode contains a note that shows how to use that word.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 401
Voice Only Unread 41
Episode 45
Saitou and Kenji talk about the process of applying for work.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of 売る that is technically incorrect but is becoming more common.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 376
Voice Only Unread 44
Episode 46
John is surprised to hear of a unique aspect of Japanese resumes.
Notes: This episode contains a note on "heated questions," one on a way of creating short ranges, like "two or three minutes," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 360
Voice Only Unread 46
Episode 47
The gang debates the reason for resume photos.
Notes: This episode contains a note on わけ, one on さすが, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 362
Voice Only Unread 39
Episode 48
John learns more about the opportunity at Saitou's favorite cafe.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word ありがたい, a breakdown of a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 366
Standard Unread 40
Episode 49
The three friends decide to keep the evening rolling.
Notes: This episode contains a note on using the って quoting particle as a heavy-duty topic marker, one on a particle that indicates the speaker is searching their memory, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 363
Voice Only Unread 40
Episode 50
The three study the available plans and options.
Notes: This episode includes a note on a suffix that means "all you can...," one that breaks down a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 343
Voice Only Unread 38
Episode 51
Settling into their room, the group decides what food and drinks to order.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the sentence ending particle や, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 328
Voice Only Unread 37
Episode 52
Kenji and Saitou explain the scoring system to John.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "to become lively," one on a use of the particle に to mean "in addition to (the foregoing)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 316
Voice Only Unread 37
Episode 53
A nervous John takes the mic.
Notes: This episode contains a note explaining a self-deprecating remark from John, and one that reviews the use of じゃん・じゃない as a tag question.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 311
Voice Only Unread 38
Episode 54
It's break time as food and drinks arrive.
Notes: This episode takes another look at とりあえず, as well as a pattern that means "there's no need to (verb)."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 291
Voice Only Unread 37
Episode 55
The gang wraps up with one last song together.
Notes: This episode contains a note about how to end phone calls, one on how to avoid being "that gaijin," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 300
Voice Only Unread 41
Episode 56
Saitou takes John to the coffee shop he mentioned earlier.
Notes: This episode contains a note on using ~てしまう to suggest mock guilt, one on why Japanese speakers use も more often than English speakers use "also," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 319
Voice Only Unread 40
Episode 57
As a part of John's reconnaissance mission, he and Saitou order a meal.
Notes: This episode contains two notes about restaurant etiquette.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 284
Voice Only Unread 34
Episode 58
Saitou describes what he likes about the cafe.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the ~ようになる pattern, one on two words that mean the proprietor of a small cafe or bar, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 279
Voice Only Unread 31
Episode 59
John and Saitou dig into lunch.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of そう that might feel different, one on an exception to the normal rules about polite Japanese in the service industry, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 265
Voice Only Unread 34
Episode 60
Saitou introduces John to the proprietor of the cafe.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a contraction of ので, a note that explains why you can say things like "that is happy" to mean "that makes me happy," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 247
Voice Only Unread 30
Episode 61
John and the proprietor discuss what John's schedule might look like.
Notes: This episode contains a note explaining the word 無し, and one that looks at the word 改める.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 249
Voice Only Unread 26
Episode 62
John and the cafe proprietor discuss next steps.
Notes: This episode a note on a contraction of the ~ておく pattern, one on an exception to the normal way to use the ~そう suffix, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 243
Voice Only Unread 23
Episode 63
Suzuki asks about John's banking situation.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains why a word might be written half in katakana and half in hiragana.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 260
Voice Only Unread 24