The Jam Maker

Satoko lives a quiet life, enjoying her garden and boutique jam-making operation. A positive person by nature, she has accepted her sometimes challenging circumstances and is at peace. Certain things in life are simply not for her, she reasons. But an encounter with a neighbor boy one day begins to change both of their lives in ways big and small. A heartwarming, real-world story about connection and growth, told in very approachable Japanese. (60 episodes)

Episode 1
As the narrator awakes, she is surrounded by a symphony of sensations.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means a sensation is spontaneously perceptible, one on a suffix that means "freshly (baked, etc.)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 33949
Voice Only Unread 6630
Episode 2
As the narrator starts her day, we learn a little more about her life.
Notes: This episode contains lots of useful kitchen vocabulary, plus several extended grammar notes.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 12847
Voice Only Unread 2073
Episode 3
The narrator lets us in on what makes her jam so special.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary, like the names of various plants and herbs, as well as helpful notes that explain how to use the word nado and the difference between two words that mean "faint."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 6711
Voice Only Unread 1015
Episode 4
Her preparations complete, the narrator settles in for a luxurious morning moment.
Notes: This episode contains notes that explore the differences between two pairs of common words, plus one that breaks down an important pattern for saying "as much as" with hodo.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 4035
Voice Only Unread 696
Episode 5
The narrator begins to plan her day as she eats.
Notes: This episode contains a note that looks at a special word with a funny reading, one that considers how to create ranges like "four or five," and one that discusses a standard pattern for linking mimetic words into sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 3465
Voice Only Unread 574
Episode 6
The narrator meets the owner of the bicycle.
Notes: This episode, the first from this series to contain dialogue, contains a note on a common feminine speech trait.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 3110
Voice Only Unread 507
Episode 7
The boy introduces himself, and the narrator fills us in more on her background.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a common abbreviation for saying you must do something, as well as an explanation of "in that state" mama.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2944
Voice Only Unread 467
Episode 8
The narrator explains more about how her condition was first discovered.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a simple word that means "result," but which can also function as a conjunction, a use of the particle ni to mean "because of," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2764
Voice Only Unread 443
Episode 9
The narrator recalls the loving efforts of her parents.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the -te iku pattern, one that breaks down a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2639
Voice Only Unread 411
Episode 10
The narrator relates an episode from her childhood.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word niau, "to suit a person," another containing a breakdown of a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2539
Voice Only Unread 393
Episode 11
Satoko tells more about her life growing up.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that looks like "image" but can mean other things, as well as a detailed breakdown of a tricky sentence.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2404
Voice Only Unread 354
Episode 12
Satoko relates a turning point in her knowledge of cooking.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the difference between two words that mean "many," one on two words that mean "cooking, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2299
Voice Only Unread 340
Episode 13
Learning to handle yourself safely is not always easy, as Satoko recalls.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to use the verb wasureru, a note that breaks down how self-directed rhetorical questions work, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2177
Voice Only Unread 338
Episode 14
Satoko describes trouble in her parent's relationship.
Notes: This episode contains a note that reviews the versatile word hotondo, one that breaks down a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2085
Voice Only Unread 313
Episode 15
Hoping to take her jam-making to the next level, Satoko undertakes a major change.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down two relative clauses stacked together, one on a word that means "contrary (to what you might think)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2010
Voice Only Unread 304
Episode 16
Satoko enjoys life in her new home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the two different styles for linking counters into sentences, one on an expression that means "it doesn't matter," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1947
Voice Only Unread 295
Episode 17
Satoko and her mother settle into a comfortable rhythm.
Notes: This episode contains extended notes breaking down two sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1863
Voice Only Unread 279
Episode 18
Yuuji makes a kind offer. But is he just being polite?
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of a sentence that illustrates how unwieldy blocks can be integrated into sentences, a note that explains a common speech contraction, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1800
Voice Only Unread 268
Episode 19
Satoko decides to accept Yuuji's help.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "no matter what you do, I urge you earnestly," as well as two related to ladders.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1766
Voice Only Unread 267
Episode 20
Satoko notices something interesting about Yuuji.
Notes: This episode contains a short but possibly tricky sentence, but we break it down in a detailed discussion.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1740
Voice Only Unread 259
Episode 21
A visitor appears at Satoko's door.
Notes: This episode contains two notes looking at the verb mousu, plus one that looks at a special use of sasuga.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1710
Voice Only Unread 254
Episode 22
Mr. Oono shares something important about Yuuji.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a polite way to speak of knowing, one that breaks down a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1693
Voice Only Unread 247
Episode 23
Satoko confronts Yuuji about what she learned from his father.
Notes: This episode contains several long notes breaking down dialogue.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1642
Voice Only Unread 246
Episode 24
Yuuji opens up about his goals for the future.
Notes: This episode contains a note about the origins of a word that means "to cut class," and one that breaks down a sentence which contains two different verbs of giving and receiving.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1613
Voice Only Unread 239
Episode 25
Satoko becomes concerned.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression people use to be self-deprecating, one on the suffix -komu, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1555
Voice Only Unread 237
Episode 26
Yuuji's father explains the circumstances behind his visit.
Notes: This episode contains two notes that break down "politeness upgrades," as well as two notes on examples of wa being used for contrast.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1507
Voice Only Unread 220
Episode 27
Mr. Oono asks Satoko for something.
Notes: This episode contains a note breaking down a sentence that demonstrates a common pattern for bargaining.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1498
Voice Only Unread 222
Episode 28
Yuuji asks for Satoko's opinion about high school.
Notes: This episode contains notes on words and phrases like "to be useful," "to put to use," and "to consult; to ask for advice."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1471
Voice Only Unread 222
Episode 29
Time passes. Satoko gets an update on Yuuji's life.
Notes: This episode contains two notes with sentence breakdowns.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1455
Voice Only Unread 216
Episode 30
Yuuji shares exciting news about his work.
Notes: This episode contains notes on two different uses of the word tokoro, one on an informal way to say "(so-and-so)'s home," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1419
Voice Only Unread 205
Episode 31
Satoko and Yuuji make plans together.
Notes: This episode has three more instances of slightly special use of the past tense.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1408
Voice Only Unread 200
Episode 32
Yuuji and Satoko set out together.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains what it means when a question is floating in a sentence, unconnected to anything else, along with notes on several other expressions.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1379
Voice Only Unread 194
Episode 33
Satoko is treated to a front-row seat at Yuuji's worksite.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of ni to mean "in addition to," one on a contraction of sore wa, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1343
Voice Only Unread 192
Episode 34
Satoko enjoys the carpenter orchestra.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down a tricky relative clause, and one that breaks down a pattern for saying you feel a certain way.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1328
Voice Only Unread 190
Episode 35
The group stops for lunch.
Notes: This episode contains two notes breaking down sentences that use -te kuru and -te iku to literally mean "do and come" and "do and go," but which might nonetheless feel confusing.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1303
Voice Only Unread 189
Episode 36
Yuuji divulges something from his past.
Notes: This episode contains several important notes on both grammar and culture.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1281
Voice Only Unread 184
Episode 37
Satoko is touched by something Yuuji says.
Notes: This episode includes a note about the very informal particle sa, one on the word katte, one on a word that means you are searching for the right way to say something, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1279
Voice Only Unread 189
Episode 38
Satoko reflects on the experience.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a suffix that means "(that noun) and all," as well as two breakdowns of expressions and phrases.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1222
Voice Only Unread 186
Episode 39
Satoko thinks about how she has interacted with people up until now.
Notes: This episode contains another example of the nari we've seen before.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1203
Voice Only Unread 171
Episode 40
Satoko reveals the reason she has maintained distance from people.
Notes: This episode contains two notes looking at "the wa of contrast," one that takes up a twist on the basic pattern for life experiences, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1185
Voice Only Unread 173
Episode 41
Satoko describes some of the challenges she faced in life.
Notes: This episode contains another nice example of contrastive wa, plus one on a pattern that means "(verb) nearly happened."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1167
Voice Only Unread 176
Episode 42
Satoko recalls more of her past experiences with people.
Notes: This episode contains a comparison of two words for "anyway," a note on a pattern that means "even if...," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1139
Voice Only Unread 178
Episode 43
Night brings something unexpected.
Notes: This episode contains a note that compares and contrasts the -chuu and -juu (both written ~中) suffixes, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1137
Voice Only Unread 170
Episode 44
Satoko begins to panic as she tries to take stock of the situation.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a secondary use of yahari, one on a verb that means "to surge with incredible force," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1100
Voice Only Unread 174
Episode 45
As the blazes bear down on her, Satoko wonders if this is it.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the phrase kono mama and one on the word akkenaku.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1087
Voice Only Unread 164
Episode 46
Satoko finds herself in a strange room.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "you and I both know the same facts, but you have not fully appreciate their significance," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1073
Voice Only Unread 163
Episode 47
Satoko's mother brings her up to speed.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to connect the -te kureru pattern to a verb in the past progressive, such as "She was waiting for me," one on a suffix that means "that entire area," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1057
Voice Only Unread 161
Episode 48
Satoko searches for a new place to live.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a special use of the verb ataru, one on the word nattoku, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1055
Voice Only Unread 157
Episode 49
Satoko and Yuuji talk on the phone.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of the -te yaru pattern to mean "to do something that makes trouble for someone."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1048
Voice Only Unread 160
Episode 50
Satoko and her mother discuss what to bring to Mr. Oono's house.
Notes: This episode contains a note on restaurant names in Japan, one on an expression that means one "has a weakness" for something, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1026
Voice Only Unread 161
Episode 51
Satoko and her mother pick up dessert and continue on their way.
Notes: This episode contains a note on different ways to read the character for "house," a breakdown of a tricky sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1018
Voice Only Unread 160
Episode 52
Satoko and her mother arrive at Yuuji's home for lunch together.
Notes: This episode contains notes that take a closer look at two sentences, as well as one on a rare reading of the character 木.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1000
Voice Only Unread 152
Episode 53
Yuuji and his father welcome Satoko and her mother.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down a phrase that means "enough already," one on different terms for rooms of a house, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 993
Voice Only Unread 156
Episode 54
Satoko and her mother are impressed.
Notes: This episode contains a note reviewing two uses of nante, one on the word for "household," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 981
Voice Only Unread 156
Episode 55
Yuuji continues showing Satoko the house.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to use the verb fureru, and one that explains why a statement like "the news was happy" makes sense in Japanese.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 967
Voice Only Unread 152
Episode 56
Yuuji explains other features of the house.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains a use of the -te shimau pattern that means that someone pushes through hesitancy and "goes ahead and does" the action.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 960
Voice Only Unread 151
Episode 57
Mr. Oono recounts how Yuuji worked on the house.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "now that you mention it...," one on an expression that means "it goes without saying in the case of X," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 958
Voice Only Unread 146
Episode 58
Mr. Oono suggests an idea.
Notes: This episode contains notes on an expression that means "to be honest...," one that includes a discussion of the toshite that means "as," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 942
Voice Only Unread 146
Episode 59
With business behind them, the group can tuck into lunch.
Notes: This episode contains a fun look at a terse pattern that can also be used to create the phrase "mission accomplished."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 933
Voice Only Unread 147
Episode 60
Satoko reflects on these past three years.
Notes: This episode contains a note about using ima-goro to consider a distant place or time.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 969
Voice Only Unread 148