
How well can you really know someone?

Best friends Kazuki and Akihiko are like brothers. But a murder that takes place at their college sparks a search for answers and a re-examination of the past. A 98-episode mystery that takes up questions of friendship, loyalty, and trust.

Episode 1
Kazuki's sleepwalking is simultaneously interesting and creepy to little sister Haruko.
Notes: Besides a few technical terms, such as the formal word for sleepwalking, this episode should be approachable, featuring interesting vocabulary such as the words and expressions for "officially," "creepy," and "mental," plus several extended grammar discussions.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 22683
Episode 2
When Kazuki goes away to college, Haruko has mixed feelings.
Notes: This episode contains wonderful vocabulary and expressions such as "to look after someone," "to be approaching (an event or milestone)," and "night after night," along with several extended notes.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 10169
Episode 3
Kazuki thinks back to his first day in his college dorm.
Notes: This episode showcases interesting expressions, such as one that literally means "to type a period" (onto an era, etc).
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 5281
Episode 4
A minor emergency is averted when Kazuki has a chance encounter with a dormmate.
Notes: This episode contains extensive notes on a trio of tricky adverbs: ichiou, imasara, and naosara, plus other notes and great vocab.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 3091
Episode 5
Kazuki's sleepwalking makes him something of a celebrity, but perhaps not in a good way.
Notes: This episode contains lots of good vocabulary, such as the customer-service word for "complaint" and an expression that means "on the first shot," along with a note on a common word for "persuade."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2599
Episode 6
On a beautiful morning shortly before graduation, something unexpected happens in the dorm.
Notes: This episode contains beautiful vocabulary, such as the words for "clear autumn/winter skies," and a pattern that means "all that remains is to (verb)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2410
Episode 7
Ichirou investigates the noise from the room next door.
Notes: This heart-pounding episode contains great vocabulary, such as words that mean "with trepidation," "to twist," and "pale as a ghost," along with a discussion of the difference between two words that mean "to shout."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2302
Episode 8
Ichirou discovers the reason for the scream from the neighboring room.
Notes: This episode contains excellent expressions, such as a pattern for reporting a thought that you now recognize is mistaken, and an expression that means "to snap out of (a reverie, etc)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2183
Episode 9
The dorm is a flurry of activity as people attempt to make sense of the situation in Room 303.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary, such as a word that means "to do (to someone's chagrin)," and a sarcastic use of kureru.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2072
Episode 10
A sharp-eyed detective begins the investigation.
Notes: This episode contains great police vocabulary, such as "the right to remain silent," "questioning (in a police context)," "fingerprints," and more, as well as several extended grammar notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2018
Episode 11
Detective Saitou learns more about the case from Ichirou.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary, such as a word that means "miscellaneous noises from things."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1996
Episode 12
Ichirou relates his experiences with Akihiko and Kazuki to Detective Saitou.
Notes: This article contains fun vocabulary like words that mean "haunted house" and "to wander around aimlessly," as well as an expression that means "to repay kindness with evil."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1994
Episode 13
A different student relates what he saw the previous night.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great examples of common speech patterns like contractions and inversions.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1890
Episode 14
Detective Saitou reviews what is known about the case so far.
Notes: This episode provides excellent practice in digesting an information-rich rundown of the facts and includes such crime vocabulary as "time of death," "murder weapon," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1884
Episode 15
Detective Saitou interviews Kazuki's parents in order to learn more about the relationship between Kazuki and Akihiko.
Notes: This episode contains great expressions, such as ones that mean "to say unanimously," and "to lead a life," as well as a pattern for invoking a hypothetical scenario.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1809
Episode 16
Akihiko proposes a trip.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as words that mean "national park," "to earn (money, etc)," and "black-and-white."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1792
Episode 17
Akihiko's teenage years come into focus.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great vocabulary and notes related to high school and college in Japan.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1738
Episode 18
Akihiko talks about his hopes for the future, as Kazuki thinks about his own future.
Notes: This episode contains fun expressions such as "to stuff one's cheeks (with food)" and "to make one's eyes sparkle (with excitement, etc)," as well as a breakdown of a potentially tricky sentence.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1710
Episode 19
The two friends set off on their long-planned trip.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great vocabulary, such as words for "preliminary research," "something heard for the first time," and "easy win," as well as several extended annotations.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1696
Episode 20
On their way to the airport, Kazuki and Akihiko discuss their plans for Yosemite.
Notes: This episode offers great expressions, such as one that means "to be taken aback," as well as extended notes on a few simple-looking words that can be beguiling.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1645
Episode 21
As Kazuki and Akihiko ensure their papers are in order, Kazuki reflects on his growth over the past year.
Notes: This episode contains fun dialog and a common expression that means "it will work out some way or another."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1625
Episode 22
It's vacation time as the two friends arrive in America.
Notes: This episode contains lots of good travel vocabulary, such as the words for "immigration," "customs," "getting a connecting flight," and more, plus several extended notes.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1601
Episode 23
Kazuki and Akihiko make their way toward Yosemite.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary, such as a word that means "to act jumpy/skittish" and a phrase that allows a speaker to ask with surprise about when something occurred.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1563
Episode 24
The two friends enter Yosemite Valley.
Notes: This episode contains lots of colloquial language, plus fun expressions like "on full display."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1557
Episode 25
The two friends get some helpful information from the person in charge at their campsite.
Notes: This episode contains a pattern that means "to pretend to do something," and a use of tsumori in which it refers to a conviction or belief.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1531
Episode 26
Akihiko briefs Kazuki on tomorrow's plans as their first day winds to a close.
Notes: This episode contains an interesting use of the word heta, as well as a four-character compound that means "once in a lifetime."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1490
Episode 27
Cool air in his lungs, Kazuki takes in the night forest.
Notes: This surreal episode contains excellent vocabulary and expressions, such as "before one's very eyes" and "black-and-white."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1473
Episode 28
As morning arrives, an invigorated Kazuki and Akihiko start their first hike.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great vocabulary and expressions, such as words that mean "covered in (something)," "to pry open," "bed head," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1453
Episode 29
Kazuki gets his first real taste of hiking.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary like words for "elevation," "distance," and "round-trip," plus a note on a word that means a multiple of an amount.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1437
Episode 30
The two discuss plans as they take in the picturesque scenery.
Notes: This episode contains dramatic vocabulary such as the words for "an incredible view," "to tower above," and "to look out over; to survey."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1420
Episode 31
The two reflect on their friendship and life.
Notes: This episode contains great storytelling vocabulary, like words for "day by day," "to turn color as though dyed," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1398
Episode 32
Akihiko and Kazuki get an early start on the morning of their big climb.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the use of wa after an amount, and the use of -yasui and -nikui after verbs that no one performs.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1380
Episode 33
As Kazuki and Akihiko reach a challenging spot on the trail, a fellow climber gives them some advice.
Notes: This article contains two expressions that might feel tricky, but our friendly notes thoroughly break them down.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1362
Episode 34
The group reaches an important milestone on their hike.
Notes: This episode contains lots of evocative vocabulary and expressions that might feel a little challenging, but our notes will help you make sense of it all.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1392
Episode 35
The cables prove to be a challenge for the climbers.
Notes: This exciting episode contains lots of great vocabulary, like expressions for "before one's eyes," "contrary to what one might expect," and a pattern for giving direction.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1342
Episode 36
The climbers deal with a tense situation.
Notes: This heart-pounding episode is filled with excellent vocab and expressions like "one's pupils sway," "one's face is tense," "one's pulse rises," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1334
Episode 37
Michael works to keep everyone calm.
Notes: This episode contains such vocabulary as words for "to soothe/calm," "body chills," and "squat down," plus extended annotations on daku versus kakaeru, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1314
Episode 38
As he reflects on the trip, Kazuki begins to see his future more clearly.
Notes: This episode contains vocabulary such as "to sprout" and "the bottom (of one's heart, etc)," plus a note on an expression that means that something "must" be so.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1306
Episode 39
Kazuki and Akihiko arrive back home at their dorm.
Notes: This episode contains an example of how "heated questions" can also be used good-naturedly among friends.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1296
Episode 40
Kazuki's family calls to check on him.
Notes: This episode contains interesting notes, such as one on the difference between two common words that mean "to appear," and one on an expression that means "to have a (bad) experience."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1381
Episode 41
Kazuki's little sister discusses a possible visit.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary and extensive notes, such as on an expression that means "just as if to say," a word that means "to feel fascination/adoration," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1280
Episode 42
The two friends share a bonding moment.
Notes: This episode contains vocabulary and expressions such as those for "to have a good relationship with someone," "to be proud," and "to (work, etc) toward something."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1266
Episode 43
Having found a mission, Kazuki begins making big changes in his life.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great vocabulary, as usual, plus a note on telling apart two words written in exactly the same way, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1268
Episode 44
As their second year progresses, a young woman appears in Akihiko's life.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary and expressions, such as a word that means "outstanding" and one that means that a person's thinking is fast or slow.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1257
Episode 45
Haruko arrives in Tokyo to visit Kazuki and Akihiko.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a disparaging word that is also used among close friends, as well as a note about a facial expression Japanese people make when they are frustrated.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1297
Episode 46
Haruko is consoled by her older brother as she adjusts to the reality before her.
Notes: This episode contains interesting notes, such as one on a pattern that lets you describe your emotional reaction to a situation, and a side note on the kanji behind various Japanese car company names.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1344
Episode 47
As the group tours Tokyo, the conversation turns to Haruko's plans for the future.
Notes: This episode contains notes on creative spellings for a word that means "siblings" as well as an example of kurai marking a trivial degree.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1253
Episode 48
Haruko wraps up her day with her brother and the others.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as a memorable one that means "underhanded and scheming" (literally "black-bellied"), as well as an interesting note on the name of a deep red color and its origins.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1240
Episode 49
As time goes by, Kazuki notices a change in the lives of his friends.
Notes: This episode contains interesting notes, such as one about Japanese new-grad hiring culture, as well as an explanation of a suffix that can, confusingly, mean both the beginning and the end of the marked period.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1242
Episode 50
The two friends discuss their emerging career trajectories.
Notes: This episode contains useful patterns, such as one that means "to span (an interval)," a word that means "candidate," and a way to say that you deeply hope for something, useful for making toasts.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1276
Episode 51
A class assignment gives Miki an opportunity to learn more about Akihiko.
Notes: This episode contains vocab and expressions such as "to fall in love with," "to lose someone in death," and "an X-in-training."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1546
Episode 52
Miki begins to turn up troubling stories about Akihiko's youth.
Notes: This episode demonstrates several useful patterns, such as one for describing sequences of events that happen cyclically together, and another that means "nearly" every day or night.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1413
Episode 53
Miki's search for answers leads her to a couple who knew Akihiko's family years ago.
Notes: This episode demonstrates an easy pattern that means someone cannot bear to continue doing something, as well as one that means "If only such-and-such would happen."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1324
Episode 54
Miki stumbles upon a unique opportunity to learn more about Akihiko.
Notes: This episode contains great vocab, such as the words for "keep watch on" and "follow."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1327
Episode 55
Miki sees something she cannot forget.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as a word that means "to tell / try to convince (oneself, etc)" and notes on the word hazu and a word with misleading kanji.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1286
Episode 56
Miki tries to calm herself as she struggles to make sense of things.
Notes: This chapter contains great vocab, like the word for "voicemail," as well as a note on the use of e to.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1282
Episode 57
Emotions run high between Akihiko and Miki.
Notes: This episode contains notes about two common words for "quarrel," plus lots of informal dialog.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1270
Episode 58
Kazuki tries to be a peacemaker as Akihiko recounts the events of the morning.
Notes: This episode contains vocabulary from modern life such as "passcode" and "input," plus notes and sentence breakdowns, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1255
Episode 59
Miki goes to greater and greater lengths to learn the truth about Akihiko.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary, like an expression that means "a piece of cake," as well as a reminder about the broad meaning of the word gijutsu.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1250
Episode 60
As Kazuki battles through a challenging night at his part time job, he gets an unexpected phone call.
Notes: This episode contains a note about the deceptively tricky word saki, as well as a breakdown of a long sentence featuring the use of mon to mean "a situation."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1262
Episode 61
Kazuki enjoys a simple moment on his way home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the similar suffixes nagara and tsutsu, plus one on a use of -te iku that means that an action is performed on the way to another location.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1349
Episode 62
An unexpected development back at the dorms worries Kazuki.
Notes: This episode contains interesting notes, such as one on a use of tanomu to mean "I'm begging you," and one on the how to ask abbreviated questions, like "To whom?"
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1225
Episode 63
Kazuki's phone call connects.
Notes: This episode contains a note that looks at the difference between two common words for "person."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1216
Episode 64
Akihiko relives his last interactions with Miki and wonders if it played any role in the incident.
Notes: This episode contains excellent vocabulary and notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1260
Episode 65
Kazuki gives his recollection of the events of last night to the detectives.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the very useful word nattoku, as well as a breakdown of a sentence that is tricky because it contains both an inversion as well as "placeholder no."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1257
Episode 66
Kazuki and Akihiko attempt to learn more at the hospital.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "I should have done such-and-such" as well as a detailed breakdown of a tricky sentence.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1212
Episode 67
Back in school, the career paths of the two friends begin to firm up.
Notes: This episode contains a nice example of the "suffering passive" used to describe a positive event.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1217
Episode 68
Kazuki receives a phone call from Miki's mother.
Notes: This episode contains several extended notes on expressions and multi-sentence connections that might seem tricky.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1205
Episode 69
Kazuki is caught off guard by news from Akihiko.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary and a note on the meaning of a product name.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1201
Episode 70
Akihiko prepares as an upset Kazuki looks on.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of a word that means "to gather; to compile," among several others.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1177
Episode 71
Kazuki struggles to digest what he is hearing.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the difference between two words that mean "wall," a reminder about a contraction that can occur in "heated questions," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1186
Episode 72
A more complete picture of Akihiko's youth emerges.
Notes: This episode demonstrates a suffix that expresses the potential and offers a review of an expression that means "to encounter a bad experience."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1178
Episode 73
Akihiko describes how he tried to deal with a difficult period in his life.
Notes: This episode contains a great vocabulary word that means "to pin down (a suspect, the truth, etc)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1174
Episode 74
Kazuki listens as details emerge about Akihiko's employment.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of the difference between two words that can be translated "injury," as well as a secondary meaning of the word ura.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1171
Episode 75
Akihiko continues discussing the intersection of his work and his private life.
Notes: This episode demonstrates a potentially tricky-feeling use of the word ue, as well as a useful expression for describing a tense face.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1214
Episode 76
An emotional meeting is relived.
Notes: This episode contains an extended breakdown of the pattern X ni shiro, "even if it is X."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1386
Episode 77
Akihiko thinks back to a trip with Kazuki.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a special use of the -tai form.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1524
Episode 78
Kazuki is surprised by a discovery.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the difference between two words that mean "to make a mistake."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1308
Episode 79
The dispute comes to a head.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "apathetic/reckless," as well as one on a way to combine two contradictory adverbs.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1227
Episode 80
A resolution is reached.
Notes: This episode looks at the expression gomen da, which means something you might not expect, plus lots of interesting vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1239
Episode 81
Morning brings a new reality.
Notes: This episode contains two special patterns: an ancient use of the particle ga, and a special form that looks like the passive but actually means the action happens spontaneously.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1299
Episode 82
The police follow up on the evidence.
Notes: This episode contains notes on treating embedded questions as noun phrases, as well as a verb that means "to see through (a scheme, etc.)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1369
Episode 83
Kazuki grapples with myriad thoughts as he tries to make sense of what happened.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a special use of tsuku, an older word that means the same thing as mada, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1209
Episode 84
Detective Saitou works to make sense of the various threads of evidence.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary words, such as one that means "to sense (something)" and another that means "to get caught or stuck (in one's mind)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1274
Episode 85
Detective Saitou shares his thoughts on the case with Kazuki.
Notes: This episode provides a good review of many of the vocabulary words we've encountered in recent episodes.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1228
Episode 86
A possibly related development gets the attention of Detective Saitou. Could this be a break in the case?
Notes: This episode contains notes on a suffix that mean "an attempted crime," one on the difference between two words that mean "right away," and a discussion of a verb that means "to smell."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1209
Episode 87
The detectives hear from a new witness for the first time.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary and expressions, such as "to be in one's reach," plus lots of dialog features, such as half-sentences and inversions.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1212
Episode 88
Miki relates a conversation she had while learning more about Akihiko in his hometown.
Notes: This episode contains a note on using ganbaru as a transitive verb, plus interesting vocabulary, such as an expression that means "divine punishment befalls one."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1069
Episode 89
Miki recalls a chance sighting of Akihiko one evening.
Notes: This episode contains several instances of a common word with a very rare reading.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1177
Episode 90
A shrine plays host to an unforgettable scene.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary words and expressions, such as one that means "thoroughly" and another that means "if I do say so myself."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1075
Episode 91
Miki shares details of one of her last encounters with Akihiko with the detectives.
Notes: This episode contains a special use of the word hitotsu.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1144
Episode 92
Miki remembers her last moments with Akihiko.
Notes: This episode introduces an expression about love that has a close analogue in English, and takes apart a short but possibly tricky relative clause.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1061
Episode 93
Back at his parents' home, Kazuki receives a surprise visit from a familiar face.
Notes: This episode contains great expressions such as one that means that something sounds familiar, and another that means someone "goes to all the trouble" of doing something.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1233
Episode 94
Detective Saitou probes Kazuki's account of the night of the incident.
Notes: This episode contains two instances of a use of naru that means "things work out to a particular outcome/conclusion."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1062
Episode 95
Detective Saitou shares an important conclusion with Kazuki.
Notes: This episode contains notes on different ways to write the word for "palm" and different ways to pronounce the word for "case; occasion."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1182
Episode 96
Kazuki reacts to Detective Saitou.
Notes: This episode illustrates a subtle technique of bringing the reader into the moment.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1058
Episode 97
Kazuki gives an update on where he is in life.
Notes: This episode contains interesting cultural notes about an important part of life.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1226
Episode 98
The conclusion to "Secret."
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of de after a word like kyou, as well as a note on the verb uramu.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1100