Akiko's American Foreign Exchange

Life is a journey.

When fresh-faced Akiko arrives in Seattle on a foreign exchange, she has no idea the twists and turns that await her. Told through Akiko's diary entries with an unpretentious intimacy, this upbeat story will inspire you and capture your heart.

The Easier editions will feel accessible to newer readers, while the Harder editions feature grammar and vocab that will allow more experienced readers to grow. (133 episodes)

Akiko starts her adventure in Seattle.
Notes: This series is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and incomplete sentences. This episode contains an excellent discussion of using the verb tobu, "to fly," and a discussion of using polite verbs in personal writing.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 28117
Harder Unread 11429
Akiko prepares to navigate to school.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 12197
Harder Unread 5969
Akiko muses about the day's successes.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 7005
Harder Unread 3658
Akiko has her first day of school and realizes she's in for a challenge.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 4335
Harder Unread 2590
Akiko experiences culture shock over household customs.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 3814
Harder Unread 2384
Akiko enjoys movie night with her host family.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 3519
Harder Unread 2210
Akiko muses about her new school friends.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 3253
Harder Unread 2029
Going out to see a movie with a school friend leads to a revelation about Akiko's past.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 3035
Harder Unread 1924
A discussion over breakfast leads to reflection on the role of religion in the two cultures.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2947
Harder Unread 1889
Akiko begins her search for a place to volunteer but hits an early snag.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2836
Harder Unread 1805
Pizza night with the host family leads to more cultural discoveries.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2691
Harder Unread 1731
After being hit on during her morning commute, Akiko opens up to Ginger about her past.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2643
Harder Unread 1671
Akiko muses about different dating patterns among her fellow exchange students.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2502
Harder Unread 1605
Akiko attends orientation for the Chicken Soup Team.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2400
Harder Unread 1568
The discovery of Green Lake delights Akiko and provides the perfect place to wind down after an exciting week.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2347
Harder Unread 1553
Akiko reflects on her first half month in America.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2273
Harder Unread 1522
Akiko meets the gang during her first day at Chicken Soup Team.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2216
Harder Unread 1478
An opportunity for side income appears.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2160
Harder Unread 1431
Akiko recalls the personal history leading up to her current foreign exchange.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2130
Harder Unread 1405
Akiko begins to make a name for herself at Chicken Soup Team.
Notes: This article is representative of the style of writing you might find in a personal journal entry. It is written in a quick and casual style, featuring mostly informal verbs, dropped particles, and many incomplete sentences.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2102
Harder Unread 1382
Her school week finished, Akiko enjoys the simple pleasure of a Friday night picnic with the family.
Notes: This article contains notes about the pattern "X ga ureshii," speech-imitative spellings, and, as always, lots of useful vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2073
Harder Unread 1336
Akiko enjoys Golden Gardens Park with her host family, but the natural beauty brings up painful memories of the past.
Notes: This article contains important vocabulary and expressions such as "having an affair," and the pattern for saying something is someone's fault.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 2023
Harder Unread 1319
Golden Gardens provides the perfect location to do homework and people-watching at the same time.
Notes: This episode contains patterns for informal questions and commands that might be new to you, plus a few excellent storytelling expressions in the Harder edition.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1961
Harder Unread 1315
Akiko reflects on the local culture.
Notes: This episode features straightforward grammar and lots of useful vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1909
Harder Unread 1295
Akiko has a stressful moment at her Sunday volunteering gig.
Notes: This longer article is full of vocabulary-building opportunities and interesting annotations.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1885
Harder Unread 1268
As Akiko begins to feel a cold coming on, she reflects about different bathing habits.
Notes: This episode contains lots of good expressions, such as a good way to speak of feeling "sluggish/dull," as well as a cultural note related to the phrase o-yu wo tameru, "to draw a bath."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1872
Harder Unread 1238
Akiko looks forward to an upcoming school transfer.
Notes: This shorter article should be mostly straightforward, with perhaps one or two new vocabulary items.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1836
Harder Unread 1237
Ginger gives Akiko some friendly advice on balance.
Notes: This episode contains good examples of vocabulary one might use to speak of introspection.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1794
Harder Unread 1236
Akiko reflects on her childhood choices.
Notes: This episode contains great examples of what an admonishing parent sounds like.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1779
Harder Unread 1224
Akiko's earlier conversation with Ginger leads to a day of soul-searching.
Notes: This episode contains a common expression meaning "I don't even know myself," and examples of noni being used in different patterns.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1753
Harder Unread 1219
Akiko nervously babysits for her host family.
Notes: Several extended annotations help to break down the more challenging sentences in this episode.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1757
Harder Unread 1196
Akiko rolls up her sleeves and tackles cleaning the house.
Notes: This episode contains interesting cultural tidbits, such as an explanation of a standard way of describing house sizes in Japanese.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1682
Harder Unread 1156
Akiko gets a lesson in slang from her friends at work.
Notes: This episode has useful notes on the differences between chanto and kichinto, the two different ways to use takusan, and a reminder on how to say that one "should not do" something.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1670
Harder Unread 1162
Her first month behind her, Akiko looks forward to the next stage of her study-abroad.
Notes: This episode contains great school-related vocabulary, such as words for one's score on a test, the verb for "taking" tests, and the name of a common placement test.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1627
Harder Unread 1150
Akiko does a little reconnaissance on her new school.
Notes: This article contains three different uses of the word kurai, with notes breaking them all down.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1613
Harder Unread 1131
Akiko's interest is piqued when she learns more about the hiking club from school.
Notes: This episode contains an explanation of why pittari works with the particle ni, as well as an interesting expression relating to enticing opportunities.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1575
Harder Unread 1108
Akiko gets in touch with the hiking club but encounters a small wrinkle.
Notes: This article contains good vocabulary and grammar related to making arrangements to participate in group activities.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1542
Harder Unread 1083
A chance find and the kindness of friends make Akiko happy.
Notes: The Harder edition of this longer episode contains several challenging sentences, but the Easier edition should be accessible to most.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1539
Harder Unread 1088
It's checklist time as Akiko prepares for a hike.
Notes: This episode contains useful grammar, such as an example of omitting the verb of saying or thinking in favor of reporting a simultaneously occurring action, as well as the pattern for invocations ("may such-and-such occur").
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1532
Harder Unread 1080
Akiko meets up for her first hike. But has she bitten off more than she can chew?
Notes: This episode contains an interesting note on the distinction between ni and de with certain verbs such as shuugou suru.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1513
Harder Unread 1079
Akiko gets acquainted with her fellow hikers en route to the trailhead.
Notes: This episode contains three different uses of the word kurai.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1461
Harder Unread 1053
Akiko's concern about the hike deepens as she learns about the local wildlife.
Notes: This episode contains useful expressions such as (in the Harder edition) the usual way to say "No one told me that (such-and-such)!"
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1453
Harder Unread 1054
It's go-time as Akiko and company arrive at the mountain.
Notes: This episode contains interesting notes such as one on the difference between two ways of counting objects, and (in the Harder edition) an excellent verb that means "to infer based on another's expressions or actions."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1415
Harder Unread 1035
Akiko experiences the wonders of the Pacific Northwest.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary, as well as notes on the difference between ishi and iwa; phrases similar to "one of my friends" in English, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1400
Harder Unread 1017
The group progresses up the mountain.
Notes: This fun episode contains great vocabulary like "direct sunlight" and "for the time being."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1397
Harder Unread 1004
The group comes to a crossroads and must make a decision.
Notes: This episode contains an interesting discussion of viewpoint within indirect quotations.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1363
Harder Unread 980
The beautiful Snow Lake beckons to Akiko.
Notes: This episode contains a nice example of wa being used to name and evaluate several options in turn.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1337
Harder Unread 964
Akiko is enthralled with the beauty of the Pacific Northwest as the group continues to Snow Lake.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as words for "mysterious" and "Great Nature," as well as an extended note on a way of creating and using ad-hoc descriptions of colors.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1315
Harder Unread 957
The group makes it to the lake.
Notes: This chapter contains fun vocabulary, such as a way to call something "funny," an expression that refers to a "growling stomach," and a word for "serious" that literally means "real sword."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1301
Harder Unread 961
Akiko is spellbound by a magical scene at the lake.
Notes: This wonderful episode contains important vocabulary and notes, such as one on why certain verbs, such as kooru, "to freeze," appear in their progressive forms to mean a current state.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1310
Harder Unread 970
As the group sits down to eat, Akiko's lunchbox becomes something of a sensation.
Notes: This episode contains an extensive breakdown of different ways of talking and writing about "chicken."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1297
Harder Unread 960
The group begins their return.
Notes: This article contains great vocabulary, like the words for "nap" and "to slip/slide," and interesting notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1283
Harder Unread 939
The group makes their way down the mountain.
Notes: This episode contains descriptive vocabulary like a word that means "scattered here and there" and one that means "overly optimistic."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1275
Harder Unread 933
The group helps Amanda with her knee.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary, such as a verb that means "to accept as a satisfying explanation" and one that means "to give a piggy-back ride."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1255
Harder Unread 928
As the group nears the end of their journey, Akiko reflects.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary such as "wireless radio (e.g., walkie-talkie)" and "underestimate," as well as a note on how the tense of the verb that comes before toki can affect meaning.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1256
Harder Unread 929
Akiko parts ways with the group back in Seattle.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary like words for "discovery," "to be suited to something," and "various/scattered."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1272
Harder Unread 909
Ginger asks whether Akiko didn't forget something on the mountain.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary, such as "sunscreen" and "marks" left behind by something.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1331
Harder Unread 919
Akiko relates her stories of adventure to Ginger and Scott.
Notes: This episode has fun vocabulary like "tales of adventure" and "fulfilling," as well as interesting notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1243
Harder Unread 913
An unexpected phone call surprises Akiko on her first day of classes.
Notes: This episode contains dramatic dialog and lots of great vocab, such as a word that means "at this late stage."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1296
Harder Unread 918
As Akiko hurries off to school, she reflects on the phone call.
Notes: This episode contains good examples of the nante of surprise or disdain, a note on the word katte, and lots of great vocab, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1263
Harder Unread 897
Akiko recalls a fateful event from last year.
Notes: This emotionally charged episode features a good example of a heated exchange, with breakdowns of patterns that commonly occur in such discussions.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1247
Harder Unread 886
Akiko relives a confrontation with her husband.
Notes: This episode contains great examples of "heated Japanese," grammar and expressions you're likely to hear in an argument.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1239
Harder Unread 892
Akiko and her husband have different ideas about their roles in the relationship.
Notes: This episode contains more good examples of "heated questions," speech contractions, and a special use of dakara that means "I just said this five seconds ago."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1222
Harder Unread 891
Akiko makes a decision.
Notes: This episode has a note on a potentially tricky use of tonikaku, as well as lots of interesting vocabulary words and expressions, as usual.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1196
Harder Unread 881
Akiko collects herself and tackles her first day at college.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary, such as the word for "to encourage."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1186
Harder Unread 878
Akiko has an interesting encounter while waiting in line.
Notes: This episode contains a reminder about the use of the word kuru with verbs of speech, and a note about a pattern that you can use with any verb to mean it is comfortable to do that verb.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1180
Harder Unread 875
Akiko meets with her student advisor.
Notes: This relatively straightforward episode nonetheless contains interesting vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1237
Harder Unread 876
Akiko gets a pleasant surprise.
Notes: This article contains useful vocabulary like words for "insurance," "used (books, cars, etc)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1161
Harder Unread 860
A fellow student approaches Akiko with a proposition.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary, such as the words for "homework," "textbook," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1176
Harder Unread 853
Akiko considers Forest's idea.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary related to the study of language, such as words for "vocabulary word," "grammar," and so on.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1159
Harder Unread 852
Akiko experiences a beautiful moment as she continues to prepare for classes.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to create strings of days of the week, like "Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1164
Harder Unread 864
Akiko reflects on her priorities.
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of the potentially tricky word o-tagai, plus great vocab, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1161
Harder Unread 846
Two familiar faces cheer Akiko up.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary and interesting discussions, such as one about the difference between two ways of saying you feel impressed.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1137
Harder Unread 832
Akiko discovers that sometimes studying a foreign language can bring you to the highest highs...and the lowest lows.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, like a phrase that means "to keep up (with a class, etc)" and a word that means "a repeating cycle."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1167
Harder Unread 828
Akiko gains a new friend in class.
Notes: This episode contains a useful breakdown of the difference between two words that mean "class."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1140
Harder Unread 824
Akiko proposes a mutually beneficial arrangement to Forest.
Notes: This episode contains useful notes on how to use the words tetsudau and egaku.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1122
Harder Unread 834
Forest and Akiko have their first study session together.
Notes: This episode contains several thought-provoking notes, including one in the Harder edition regarding why a common "incorrect" usage of zenzen might not be so wrong after all.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1109
Harder Unread 836
Akiko is surprised by Forest's feedback on her Japanese tutoring.
Notes: This episode contains a note about the origins of the familiar term to ka as well as a breakdown of three different verbs related to talking.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1097
Harder Unread 829
Akiko gains confidence at school.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, like "used (items for sale)" and "keep up (with class, etc)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1133
Harder Unread 829
Forest makes an intriguing offer.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that can mean both "to consult" and "to look up in" a dictionary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1085
Harder Unread 812
Akiko reacts to Forest.
Notes: This episode nicely demonstrates real-life variations on two textbook patterns.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1082
Harder Unread 818
Akiko gives more thought to Forest's proposal.
Notes: This episode contains a useful expression that means "by means of X" or "through X," as well as an example of a slightly unusual reading of a common character.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1075
Harder Unread 810
As she approaches the midway point in her first quarter, something surprising happens at school.
Notes: This episode features fun vocabulary such as a word that means "brazenly/confidently."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1061
Harder Unread 816
Akiko makes new discoveries as she tackles figure drawing.
Notes: This episode contains a review of two ways of reading the word for "draw" and how to know when to use which.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1066
Harder Unread 808
Akiko begins to feel excited about new possibilities.
Notes: This enjoyable episode contains fun expressions like "to float into one's head" and "to wonder."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1079
Harder Unread 813
Akiko reflects on what this new opportunity means to her.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the difference between two words that mean "a sound," as well as a reminder about loanwords that are similar to English words.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1045
Harder Unread 779
Time flies when you're in the zone.
Notes: This episode contains a note on why the word mazu often appears with wa.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1035
Harder Unread 772
Akiko rushes to share her work with Forest.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of the word hou to mean a roughly defined area.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1015
Harder Unread 773
Akiko wakes up in an unfamiliar place.
Notes: This episode contains several useful medical terms.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1017
Harder Unread 771
A friendly doctor explains Akiko's situation.
Notes: This episode contains useful words and phrases like "individual differences" and "CT scan."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 1010
Harder Unread 769
The doctor continues filling Akiko in on the situation.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains the very terse style you will see some words written in.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 990
Harder Unread 756
Akiko is comforted by a concerned Ginger.
Notes: This episode contains a long breakdown of a short but potentially tricky-feeling sentence.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 974
Harder Unread 759
Akiko is finally able to make an important hand-off to Forest.
Notes: This episode contains several interesting notes, such as one on the difference between ukeru and uketoru (in the Easier edition), as well as one on the use of moushi-wake nai as an adjective (in both editions).
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 997
Harder Unread 752
Akiko settles in for the weekend.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a deceptively complex sentence that includes three parties, none of them explicitly named.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 965
Harder Unread 751
Ginger cares for Akiko as Akiko reflects on the day.
Notes: This episode contains an opportunity to review the pattern for naming what you are apologizing for, plus a discussion for a word that literally means "I accept defeat."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 949
Harder Unread 744
Akiko adjusts to life with the kidney stone.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of tabi ni to mean "every time" something happens and one on the use of hou to divide a continuum into two halves.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 958
Harder Unread 734
The entire family shares a moment with Akiko.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a euphemism for using the bathroom.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 952
Harder Unread 734
Akiko finally gets the feedback she has been waiting for.
Notes: This episode has great language-learning vocabulary, like "grammar" and "vocabulary."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 956
Harder Unread 732
It's midterms week for Akiko and her fellow students.
Notes: The "Harder" level of this episode contains two somewhat special vocabulary words, along with notes that explain how to use them with examples.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 960
Harder Unread 747
Forest explains his reasons for wanting to introduce his friend.
Notes: The Harder edition of this episode contains a note on a word that means "living."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 931
Harder Unread 744
Akiko hears out Forest's friend as he makes an offer.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word pittari and another one that means "there isn't (normally) such a good thing."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 905
Harder Unread 724
Akiko considers the intriguing offer.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a word that means "the feeling that something is real" and a verb it is often used with.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 916
Harder Unread 733
As she prepares for her day, Akiko is surprised by an unexpected visitor.
Notes: The Easier edition breaks down a use of na that might initially feel tricky. The Harder edition looks at a suffix commonly used with body parts.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 925
Harder Unread 728
The scene at the doorstep develops as a friend appears.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of hitori as a suffix.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 884
Harder Unread 710
Akiko and the visitor change venues to discuss things.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocab and expressions, such as those for "heartening" and "to ruin."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 883
Harder Unread 708
Takuya broaches the topic he has come to discuss.
Notes: This episode contains a note that compares two ways of talking about having an "intention" or "inclination" to do something.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 881
Harder Unread 709
Akiko explains how she has grown to a surprised Takuya.
Notes: This episode contains a note on different ways the word for "responsibility" can be used, as well as a nice example of the "noni of lament."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 884
Harder Unread 695
Akiko describes what she is looking for--and what she is not--to a fuming Takuya.
Notes: This episode contains an excellent word for conveying remorse, and a comparison of three words related to apologies.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 888
Harder Unread 692
Akiko reunites with the gang feeling refreshed.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a way to create extra strong versions of adjectives and a word that means "to look dazed."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 867
Harder Unread 681
Back at school, Akiko also pushes forward with the writing project.
Notes: This episode contains great school vocabulary like "final exams," plus interesting notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 872
Harder Unread 674
Akiko uses her story as the basis for a reading club at school.
Notes: This episode contains interesting expressions such as "to hear my request = to respond positively."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 871
Harder Unread 664
Akiko remembers her time working in audio production in Tokyo.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the multiple ways to write the word tsukuru.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 865
Harder Unread 672
Akiko reflects on the encounters that have led to this moment.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary, such as the word for someone who works behind the scenes.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 865
Harder Unread 655
As the performance comes to an end, Akiko's audience reacts.
Notes: This episode contains great expressions like "to be on the edge of your seat" and a way of saying something is "deep; profound."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 859
Harder Unread 643
Akiko presents an idea she has been working on.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as words for "editor," "equipment," "teary-eyed," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 845
Harder Unread 630
Akiko juggles end-of-quarter reports and projects.
Notes: This episode contains a few new words such as the ones for "portrait" and "final exams."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 836
Harder Unread 611
An unexpected phone call jolts Akiko's nerves.
Notes: This episode contains mostly straightforward vocabulary and grammar. The Harder editions contains several notes on interesting expressions and vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 834
Harder Unread 615
Akiko has an important conversation.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary, such as an expression that means "to switch the phone to a different person."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 811
Harder Unread 612
Akiko makes a promise to her grandmother.
Notes: This episode, which contains mostly straightforward vocabulary and grammar, demonstrates that sometimes simple sentences can be the most powerful.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 813
Harder Unread 608
An update awaits Akiko as she wakes up the next morning.
Notes: This episode contains notes on several important vocabulary words and patterns.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 808
Harder Unread 602
An uncertain Akiko thinks about her next steps.
Notes: This episode takes up the word sayo(u)nara as well as the word tengoku.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 804
Harder Unread 604
Akiko faces a normal day in a changed world.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the word tsui and our old friend tonikaku.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 787
Harder Unread 596
Akiko meets someone at school.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a special use of hitotsu and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 800
Harder Unread 588
Akiko continues to talk with Brian.
Notes: This episode contains a cultural note about giving money at funerals, plus a note explaining the tricky suffix -ake, which can mean either the beginning or the end of a period.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 787
Harder Unread 581
Akiko prepares to return to Japan.
Notes: This episode contains a note explaining a use of the -te iku pattern that might not be obvious.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 779
Harder Unread 578
Akiko boards her flight.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the words masaka, ochitsuku, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 787
Harder Unread 582
The passenger sitting beside Akiko engages her in conversation.
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of a tricky expression, plus a note to help remember the unusual reading of a word that means "a fit/an attack."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 775
Harder Unread 559
Akiko lands in Japan and reflects on her conversation with the stranger.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of a phrase with tokoro that could be interpreted in two different ways.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 764
Harder Unread 559
Akiko remembers the time leading up to her foreign exchange.
Notes: This episode contains a figurative use of the word katachi, "form/shape."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 765
Harder Unread 555
Akiko recalls the wise words of her grandmother.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 763
Harder Unread 546
Akiko brings us up to speed on the new developments in her life.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocab and expressions, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 772
Harder Unread 540
Sometimes chance meetings can change your life forever.
Notes: This episode contains a review of a use of ue de to mean "upon that foundation."
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 735
Harder Unread 524
Akiko bids us adieu in this touching final episode.
Notes: Includes a message from the author. Thank you for reading on behalf of all of us!
Editions Status Total Readers
Easier Unread 824
Harder Unread 544