The Wedding of the Fox

Can love really conquer all?

When a young couple visits Fujiki seeking help with a problem in their relationship, he immediately senses that there is more to the story than they are letting on. Can he and newly-minted assistant Sayaka discover the truth and help them — before it's too late?

In this thrilling second installment of the "Fujiki Consulting Services" series, meet characters new and old from the Japanese mythological universe — gods and gremlins, shapeshifters and spirits — and the humans they interact with.

While this story follows smoothly from the first case, it is also self-contained enough that new readers can start here if they wish. The fantasy subject matter might make this story feel challenging in certain places, but as always, our friendly notes help break down the tricky parts. (Readers who find this story too challenging are encouraged to start with Kiki-Mimi Radio, Kona's Big Adventure, and Oku-Nikkou and work up to this one.)

(Ongoing, 84 episodes)

Episode 1
Siblings Suzu and Haku play under the watchful eye of their mother.
Notes: This episode contains a note that explains how to understand nanika when it doesn't seem to be behaving as a noun, a note on the difference between two kanji for "shadow," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 8800
Voice Only Unread 1573
Episode 2
A stunned Suzu and Haku watch the man.
Notes: This episode contains notes on several important patterns, including one that means "I'll do this action and show you!", a use of mazu that means "almost certainly," and a long discussion of e to.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2560
Voice Only Unread 377
Episode 3
Haruaki enjoys a relaxing morning at his favorite coffee shop.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "so-called," one on two different readings for the word for the educational rank of "doctor," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1454
Voice Only Unread 225
Episode 4
Haruaki's attention is captured by something outside.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a phrase that means "for (such-and-such)," as in "He's pretty strong for a kid," one on the use of katakana for animal names, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 775
Voice Only Unread 117
Episode 5
The man attempts to help the fox.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that visualizes progress as motion, one that analysis a sentence that seems to have no subject, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 686
Voice Only Unread 115
Episode 6
Suzu finds herself in a desperate situation.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of the sureba suru hodo pattern, a note on two uses of nante, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 571
Voice Only Unread 107
Episode 7
The man does something unexpected.
Notes: This episodes includes a note on a special use of -nagara, one on an expression that literally means "even if if only a little," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 568
Voice Only Unread 98
Episode 8
The narrator provides some background on Suzu's community.
Notes: This episode contains a note on two versions of the word for "everyone," one on the use of the -zu negative to connect two phrases, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 594
Voice Only Unread 101
Episode 9
The narrator explains a special ability of the White Fox Tribe.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down a three-sentence passage containing multiple cause-effect relationships.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 511
Voice Only Unread 94
Episode 10
The narrator introduces us to the leader of the White Fox Tribe.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a historically common suffix for male given names.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 582
Voice Only Unread 96
Episode 11
Suzu attempts to learn more about the human.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a pattern that means something nearly happened, plus one that allows you to describe mixed feelings, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 461
Voice Only Unread 89
Episode 12
Yuzu makes a surprising observation.
Notes: This episode contains notes that break down several sentences and phrases that illustrate important concepts.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 493
Voice Only Unread 89
Episode 13
Yuzu offers her thoughts on the man who helped Suzu.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary such as "the person who saved your life" and "a weight on the chest."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 431
Voice Only Unread 89
Episode 14
Suzu brings an excited and nervous Yuzu to her usual spot.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a suffix used to express exasperation, one on a pattern to say you found something you were looking for, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 494
Voice Only Unread 83
Episode 15
Suzu learns her actions have been noticed.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of the word damaru, "to be silent," as well as one on two "heated questions."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 403
Voice Only Unread 79
Episode 16
Suzu and Haku argue.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great examples of heated Japanese.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 525
Voice Only Unread 80
Episode 17
Suzu feels a connection.
Notes: This episode contains a note that describes how to build a sentence like "I ate too quickly," one on the word warau, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 399
Voice Only Unread 76
Episode 18
Suzu makes a momentous decision.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the particle mon/mono, one on a word for "warmth," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 468
Voice Only Unread 72
Episode 19
Sayaka asks Fujiki about his powers.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word wake, one on use of shumi to mean "taste," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 378
Voice Only Unread 74
Episode 20
Fujiki gets to know his new clients.
Notes: This episode considers the difference between expressions meaning "in an instant" and "for an instant," a note that reviews how to use onegai shimasu, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 463
Voice Only Unread 70
Episode 21
The couple explains in more detail what they are seeking.
Notes: This episode contains two notes breaking down tricky sentences, one on a use of naru to mean that a total "comes out to" a certain amount, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 352
Voice Only Unread 66
Episode 22
Fujiki gives his impressions to a surprised Haruaki.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a simple pattern that means to act, serve, or work in a particular role, one on an expression that means "to be flexible," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 446
Voice Only Unread 68
Episode 23
Suzu takes her turn being examined by Fujiki.
Notes: This example contains a note on two verbs that mean "float" but can figuratively refer to a thought coming to the surface or putting an expression on a face, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 338
Voice Only Unread 67
Episode 24
Fujiki encourages his clients.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "nothing you could point to," a pattern that means "to behave in a way that seems (adjective)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 427
Voice Only Unread 67
Episode 25
Fujiki notes one item of concern.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means at its core "to sandwich," one on a pattern that literally breaks down as "if there is X, there is also Y," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 334
Voice Only Unread 62
Episode 26
Suzu seeks to verify an intuition.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the suffix -komu, one on a special word for "who," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 387
Voice Only Unread 64
Episode 27
Suzu learns more about Fujiki.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "fellow (students, teachers, etc.)," one on a special use of the word toki to mean "a hypothetical case," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 324
Voice Only Unread 60
Episode 28
Fujiki confronts Sayaka about listening in on his conversation.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern for announcing an intention (often to oneself), and an explanation of a potentially confusing sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 402
Voice Only Unread 64
Episode 29
Fujiki gives Sayaka more information about his background.
Notes: This episode contains a note on using sono hen to mean "that topic," one on using tokoro to give a basic, rough explanation of something, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 314
Voice Only Unread 60
Episode 30
Fujiki explains how kishin fit into the kami hierarchy.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means that two people don't get along, one about viewpoint in the story, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 401
Voice Only Unread 61
Episode 31
Sayaka drills in on Fujiki's powers.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down a phrase in which a verb is pulled apart into two halves.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 306
Voice Only Unread 61
Episode 32
Fujiki breaks down his abilities in more detail.
Notes: This episode contains a note explaining the use of da at an unexpected location, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 389
Voice Only Unread 59
Episode 33
Sayaka and Fujiki continue their discussion.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "there's no way," one on a word that means "to withstand," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 278
Voice Only Unread 56
Episode 34
Sayaka gets information out of a teasing Fujiki.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the suffix -gai that you might know from ikigai, a breakdown of a playful exchange, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 348
Voice Only Unread 56
Episode 35
Fujiki gives Sayaka more background, as Sayaka puts it all together with a food-based analogy.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means things are sometimes that way, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 291
Voice Only Unread 53
Episode 36
Fujiki and Sayaka wrap up their discussion. Haruaki and Suzu make a discovery.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "taking X as an opportunity," one on a word that means " by coincidence," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 271
Voice Only Unread 53
Episode 37
Haruaki is surprised by something while unpacking.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a simple pattern that means "nice and...," one that covers two different ways of using an expression that means "to take a liking to," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 256
Voice Only Unread 52
Episode 38
Haruaki's revelation shocks Suzu.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the expression nan to naku, one on a word that refers to a quick, reflexive action, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 244
Voice Only Unread 52
Episode 39
Suzu struggles to make sense of things.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that literally means "to chase down," one on a special reading of a common word, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 241
Voice Only Unread 49
Episode 40
At her wits' end, Suzu considers a drastic solution.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word isso, as well as one on a pattern that means that things work out so that it is not necessary to do the verb.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 243
Voice Only Unread 48
Episode 41
Suzu seeks advice from a familiar place.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a special use of a familiar word, a detailed breakdown of a sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 238
Voice Only Unread 44
Episode 42
Suzu arrives at Yuzu's house.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "even if you call it X..."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 234
Voice Only Unread 43
Episode 43
Suzu finds a listening ear in her friend Yuzu.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "to do all the way," one on a pattern that focuses on the resulting state of an action, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 230
Voice Only Unread 43
Episode 44
Suzu grapples with contradictory emotions as Yuzu comforts her.
Notes: This episode contains notes on two "flag words" -- words that give a heads-up that a certain kind of ending is coming.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 226
Voice Only Unread 42
Episode 45
Yuzu comes up with an idea that might help.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a verb that means "to say and cause to listen," one on a suffix that means the dislike of a given noun, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 222
Voice Only Unread 39
Episode 46
Suzu puts Yuzu's suggestion into action.
Notes: This episode contains a note about using the -te kureru pattern with inanimate objects, a breakdown of a pretty sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 217
Voice Only Unread 43
Episode 47
Suzu explains her fears to Fujiki, who examines the pendant.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "to state the conclusion first," one on a phrase that literally means "one time through," and one on a humble word that can mean to hear, to listen, or to visit.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 209
Voice Only Unread 39
Episode 48
Fujiki shares what he saw about the events of that day.
Notes: This episode contains a note about an expression that means "Listen up! Important information coming," one on a word that means "a mis-intuition," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 205
Voice Only Unread 38
Episode 49
Suzu processes what she has learned.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the exclamation sonna! and one that breaks down an expression that means "to go around a curve."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 210
Voice Only Unread 37
Episode 50
Suzu continues to get a fuller picture of that fateful day as Fujiki offers reassurance.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that is an intensified version of sugoi and one that means "pitiable."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 203
Voice Only Unread 39
Episode 51
Suzu describes how her secret has weighed on her.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how the word mono can refer to intangible things, a pattern that means "to the point of...; even if it means...," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 199
Voice Only Unread 37
Episode 52
Fujiki shares some parting words of encouragement.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "a general tendency of the world," one that means "it is not necessarily the case that...," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 194
Voice Only Unread 41
Episode 53
As he bids goodbye to a recharged Suzu, Fujiki notices something.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "to be lured/tempted" into doing something, one on a word that means "to feel shy/bashful," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 184
Voice Only Unread 35
Episode 54
Haruaki starts his commute home to a waiting Suzu.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "before one's eyes" and one on an expression that means "to stroke down one's chest (with relief)."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 191
Voice Only Unread 33
Episode 55
Haruaki continues toward home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word uchi, one that breaks down part of a sentence, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 190
Voice Only Unread 39
Episode 56
Haruaki struggles to get home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "only at times like this," one that breaks down a musing by Haruaki, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 189
Voice Only Unread 35
Episode 57
Haruaki's finally finds his way home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "to put (feelings, etc.) into words," one on a suffix that means the verb happens in an extreme way, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 184
Voice Only Unread 33
Episode 58
Haruaki grows more concerned about Suzu.
Notes: This episode contains notes an expression that means "one size (larger, smaller, etc.)," a verb that can figuratively mean "to emerge (from a hidden location)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 169
Voice Only Unread 34
Episode 59
Haruaki confronts the wolf.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern for describing an action that happens in small numbers ("ones and twos"), one on an alternative way to contract -te shimau, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 170
Voice Only Unread 36
Episode 60
Haruaki frantically resists the wolf.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a suffix that means "(noun) and all," an explanation of a phrase that means "on the several-th time," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 170
Voice Only Unread 31
Episode 61
The fight takes a critical turn.
Notes: This episode contains a note about the suffix -au, one about a word that means "to illuminate and pull out (against a dark background)," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 152
Voice Only Unread 33
Episode 62
The flames reveal an unexpected participant in the fight.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "to get out of the way," one on the difference between two verbs that mean "to protect," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 163
Voice Only Unread 32
Episode 63
The situation becomes dire.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "to approach," one that means "to accept; to resign oneself (to a bad outcome," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 159
Voice Only Unread 31
Episode 64
Suzu is aided by two familiar faces.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "before one's very eyes," and a compound verb composed of two verbs that both mean "to burn."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 143
Voice Only Unread 34
Episode 65
Suzu and the others discuss next steps.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the difference between two ancient negative forms, as well as a reminder about the tokoro that means "a scene."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 151
Voice Only Unread 30
Episode 66
Suzu parts ways with Fujiki for now.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a funny-looking expression that means "to feel awkward or uncomfortable," one on a word that means "anew; afresh," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 152
Voice Only Unread 32
Episode 67
Fujiki breaks down the night's events to a sulky Haku.
Notes: This episode contains a note on two different words that are written with exactly the same kanji, one on a funny way to use sasuga, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 150
Voice Only Unread 30
Episode 68
Fujiki reveals more about what he saw.
Notes: This episode contains a note on two ways that darou can be collapsed into the preceding word.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 139
Voice Only Unread 29
Episode 69
Haku protests that he knows what he heard.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a dialect version of the ikenai that means "it won't do," and a note that breaks down a series of order reversals.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 143
Voice Only Unread 28
Episode 70
Choubei reasons with Haku.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that uses "What are you going to do?" in a rhetorical / accusatory way, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 130
Voice Only Unread 26
Episode 71
The narrator relates how Fujiki was able to track down the fox village.
Notes: This episode contains a long note on an expression that means "as could be expected given the foregoing."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 131
Voice Only Unread 25
Episode 72
Fujiki thanks a new youkai for his help.
Notes: This episode contains a paragraph that quickly relates an entire day's worth of events, involving six different actors. Notes allow you to quiz yourself and make sure you're following along.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 126
Voice Only Unread 26
Episode 73
Fujiki explains how he knew to bring along Rain Boy.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of the word gurai to mean something small or trivial.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 107
Voice Only Unread 23
Episode 74
Fujiki explains more about his divination technique.
Notes: This episode is replete with notes, including one that compares five instances of もん・もの, one that looks at an expression that means "a rotten relationship," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 112
Voice Only Unread 21
Episode 75
The group begins preparations to return home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to speak of conveying someone's regards, one on the word よほど, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 121
Voice Only Unread 20
Episode 76
A dazed Haruaki tries to put together his memories of the previous night.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that allows you to convert a short phrase that takes the form Xがいい into an adverb.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 102
Voice Only Unread 18
Episode 77
A nervous Suzu encourages Haruaki to go on.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a expression that means "If you want to know why...," one on an expression that means "to make agreeable responses in a conversation," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 107
Voice Only Unread 15
Episode 78
Suzu reacts to Haruaki's story.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "arbitrarily," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 108
Voice Only Unread 14
Episode 79
Haruaki surprises Suzu with details of a project he is working on.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to use 見える to mean that something appears a certain way, one on the use of 姿 as a suffix, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 93
Voice Only Unread 14
Episode 80
Haku and Suzu come face to face for the first time since the fire.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a word that means a lump of bad feelings in the heart, one on how to use a verb for "apologize," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 89
Voice Only Unread 13
Episode 81
The group sits down for food and laughs.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means a verb is in the process of happening gradually, one that explains a joke, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 85
Voice Only Unread 12
Episode 82
Preparations are afoot at Denkanji Temple.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a dialect form of the imperative of する, as well one that looks at a very honorific expression.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 72
Voice Only Unread 13
Episode 83
The head monk bestows a special gift on his visitors.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern used in supplications, as well as a long note about zodiac signs and their related animals.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 65
Voice Only Unread 11
Episode 84
The heartwarming conclusion to "The Wedding of the Fox."
Notes: This episode contains a note about a cute word for "sun," a note that explains the meaning of 嫁入り (よめいり), and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 37
Voice Only Unread 9