The Journey I Live

Years have passed since Kona's adventure to the mountains, and life has settled into a comfortable rhythm. But everything changes when a series of unexpected events turns Kona's life upside down and forces him to reevaluate what he really knows about love, courage, and the true meaning of strength.

Told through the eyes of an older and wiser Kona, this series contains more challenging grammar and vocabulary, and tackles more mature themes, than the first Kona story. It therefore deserves a difficulty rating of Advanced. It is aimed at readers who have completed the first Kona story and our other intermediate content and are ready to stretch toward native-level material. (88 episodes)

Episode 1
Years have gone by since Kona's adventure to the mountains. Kona catches us up.
Notes: This episode contains several interesting notes, such as one that shows the hidden relationship between two common words.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 18024
Voice Only Unread 3394
Episode 2
Kona considers how his thoughts about his place in life have changed.
Notes: This episode contains an explanation of the word tatoe, which signals that an "even though" expression is coming, as well as a special use of the word sonzai, "existence."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 4938
Voice Only Unread 831
Episode 3
Kona begins to recount a pivotal moment with Mocha.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the meaning of a short question at the beginning of a sentence, a verb that means "it is not possible to do," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 2531
Voice Only Unread 475
Episode 4
The family rushes to intervene. But are they too late?
Notes: This episode contains a cultural note on a traditional article of clothing, a note on the difference between two readings of 中, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1553
Voice Only Unread 317
Episode 5
The family takes stock of the damage.
Notes: This episode contains extensive notes, including one on a suffix that you can attach to any verb to mean you view the action as contemptible.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1205
Voice Only Unread 276
Episode 6
Kona and Mocha enjoy the addition of new residents.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of several similar expressions that mean some variation of "to follow," along with several other extended notes.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1101
Voice Only Unread 258
Episode 7
The cats are drawn into a confrontation.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the original meaning of the common word sugoi.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 1028
Voice Only Unread 260
Episode 8
Mocha and the fox get into a scuffle as Kona tries to help.
Notes: This episode contains exciting vocabulary and expressions, such as one that means "as if to say..." and another that means "in a trance."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 947
Voice Only Unread 259
Episode 9
The brawl continues as the cats do their best to help one another.
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of the pattern for "heated questions," plus a review of a pattern that means "I should have done such-and-such."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 958
Voice Only Unread 252
Episode 10
An alarmed Natsumi comes to Mocha's aid.
Notes: This episode contains a note explaining why a word like miru might be written using different kanji depending on the sense, plus another example of "heated questions."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 896
Voice Only Unread 238
Episode 11
Kona consoles Mocha after her examination.
Notes: This episode contains several extensive notes, including one on the difference between two ways to write noseru and one on the expression (person) no koto.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 877
Voice Only Unread 227
Episode 12
Kona reflects on what the episode taught him.
Notes: This episode contains several words and expressions that can feel tricky, such as masaka, amaeru, and -te made mo, but our notes will help break them down for you.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 893
Voice Only Unread 231
Episode 13
Ken and Natsumi discuss a recent change in local wildlife behavior.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of the differences between two common words, plus a discussion of an expression that essentially means "stomach prep."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 843
Voice Only Unread 219
Episode 14
Kona fills us in on an old friend.
Notes: This episode contains a fun expression that literally means "to get a hand from the cat."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 851
Voice Only Unread 212
Episode 15
Natsumi discovers something on Mocha.
Notes: This episode contains the fun expressions to kitara... and hanpa janai.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 825
Voice Only Unread 204
Episode 16
Natsumi concern over Mocha's bump increases.
Notes: This episode contains reviews of the word mama and the suffix -sugiru.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 778
Voice Only Unread 202
Episode 17
Ken joins Natsumi in the kitchen.
Notes: This episode contains a note looking at two ways to say "hurriedly," as well as one that explains a technique for representing a sudden stop in speech.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 790
Voice Only Unread 203
Episode 18
An angry Mocha makes another visit to the vet.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "having only (verbed)," plus one on a suffix that attaches to a person's name to indicate exasperation.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 762
Voice Only Unread 196
Episode 19
Mocha reveals a theory about Natsumi.
Notes: This note contains long discussions of the words yatsu-atari and kentaiki, plus one on understanding the "suffering passive."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 763
Voice Only Unread 188
Episode 20
The cats enjoy a moment together.
Notes: This episode contains a review of the word hazu, plus a note on two very similar-looking words related to pointing.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 753
Voice Only Unread 188
Episode 21
The family evening continues.
Notes: This episode contains a note explaining how to remember very rare kanji.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 753
Voice Only Unread 185
Episode 22
Ken receives an important phone call.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of two words that both mean "rare," a note on creating short ranges like "two or three," and a note on the suffix -komu.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 761
Voice Only Unread 183
Episode 23
Ken explains what he learned to Natsumi and Kona.
Notes: This episode contains important vocabulary, as well as a note on ateji.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 736
Voice Only Unread 177
Episode 24
Kona digests what he is hearing.
Notes: This episode contains two notes that compare nante and da nante.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 718
Voice Only Unread 176
Episode 25
As Ken, Natsumi, and Kona finish their discussion, Mocha appears.
Notes: This episode contains a note on two different words that mean "cheek," a note on a common speech contraction, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 722
Voice Only Unread 178
Episode 26
Natsumi makes a discovery that necessitates changes.
Notes: This episode contains a detailed breakdown of the unexpectedly tricky expression sukoshi de mo.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 855
Voice Only Unread 178
Episode 27
The family comes together to help Mocha.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a suffix that means "a lover of (something)."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 705
Voice Only Unread 170
Episode 28
Kona encourages Mocha, as Mocha conveys something important to Kona.
Notes: This episode contains another example of a pattern we saw earlier for giving a speculative reason for what follows, as well as a breakdown of the meaning of the expression o-sewa ni naru.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 906
Voice Only Unread 174
Episode 29
Spring brings new life to the family yard.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the words itsushika and tamaranai.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 689
Voice Only Unread 168
Episode 30
Mocha confides something in Kona.
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of a long sentence that might feel tricky.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 769
Voice Only Unread 162
Episode 31
Kona asks Natsumi and Ken for help.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a special usage of the -you to suru pattern.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 691
Voice Only Unread 165
Episode 32
Natsumi discovers what has happened.
Notes: This episode contains several important notes on euphemisms.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 892
Voice Only Unread 165
Episode 33
The family gathers in the back yard as Kona feels emotions well up inside him.
Notes: This episode contains an expression that literally means "one can neither sit nor stand," plus an explanation of a figurative use of a word that means "crash/smash/bang."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 690
Voice Only Unread 158
Episode 34
Kona reflects on his relationship with Mocha.
Notes: This episode contains several lengthy notes, including a special use of the simple -te miru pattern, a breakdown of a phrase that means "irreplaceable," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 833
Voice Only Unread 167
Episode 35
Natsumi comforts Kona.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the flexible word darake as well as a pattern for saying "this past (period of time."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 649
Voice Only Unread 157
Episode 36
Natsumi and Ken are suddenly energized as a confused Kona looks on.
Notes: This episode includes notes on the word rusu in two different forms.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 756
Voice Only Unread 164
Episode 37
Kona takes a moment to think alone outside.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "to surge; to flood; to come rushing."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 641
Voice Only Unread 153
Episode 38
Kona has an unexpected encounter with visitors to his yard.
Notes: This episode contains fun words like migoto and bosa-bosa.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 795
Voice Only Unread 159
Episode 39
The gray cat remembers when times were better.
Notes: This episode contains informal language, featuring lots of contractions and expressions, but our notes will help you through.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 629
Voice Only Unread 154
Episode 40
As the stray cats are taking Kona up on his offer, another cat appears.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the -zu and -nu negatives, as well as one on the word sekkaku.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 745
Voice Only Unread 158
Episode 41
The mystery black cats lock eyes with Kona.
Notes: This episode contains an interesting note on a word that literally means "to come back to life," plus one on a special use of oboeru.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 627
Voice Only Unread 154
Episode 42
Kona learns more about the visitors' past.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "no sooner had (one thing happened) than (another happened)," plus a note on the prefix ka-.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 770
Voice Only Unread 148
Episode 43
Kona shares a little about his situation.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a use of a familiar word to mean "you know what I mean."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 625
Voice Only Unread 143
Episode 44
The visiting cats avail themselves of Kona's hospitality.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the particle shi, the pattern (past tense verb) dake de, the pattern (conditional) ii noni, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 760
Voice Only Unread 149
Episode 45
The cats share more information about where they live.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the origin of the word sumimasen, a grammar point on the suffix -ge, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 615
Voice Only Unread 143
Episode 46
Kona tries to think of a way to help his brother and sister.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that can mean 10%, plus a review of sasuga.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 748
Voice Only Unread 145
Episode 47
Kona continues his attempts to convince his visitors of his experience.
Notes: This episode contains examples of a pattern that means "in preparation for X," and a variation of the "must not do" pattern.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 598
Voice Only Unread 141
Episode 48
Kona hatches a plan that he thinks might help in the battle.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that refers to various expressions of gratitude as well as an expression that literally means "to send a helping boat."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 757
Voice Only Unread 148
Episode 49
As Kona prepares for the next day, he remembers something a friend once told him.
Notes: This episode contains notes on important patterns that mean "the more one (verbs), the more..." and "even if just a little."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 573
Voice Only Unread 141
Episode 50
Kona turns up at the shrine, ready to help.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the unusual reading for a common word, plus a note on a word that means "to drift (along on a current, etc.).
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 710
Voice Only Unread 140
Episode 51
As Kona continues to press his case, the neighboring cats arrive on the scene.
Notes: This episode contains notes on a contraction of desu, an expression that means "in exchange," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 561
Voice Only Unread 133
Episode 52
The rival gangs face off.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an old way of using adjectives, an expression that can mean "now or never," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 673
Voice Only Unread 148
Episode 53
As the battle intensifies, Kona finds himself on the back foot.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the difference between two words that mean "an instant/moment," as well as lots of great vocabulary, such as one that means "to deliver the coup de grace."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 564
Voice Only Unread 155
Episode 54
The battle enters a critical stage.
Notes: This episode contains a review of an expression that means "just when Action A happened...," a note on an expression that means the sound of something whipping through the air, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 679
Voice Only Unread 157
Episode 55
The cats react to the turn of battlefield events.
Notes: This episode contains an excellent expression that means something similar to "Look at you go!"
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 547
Voice Only Unread 146
Episode 56
Kona brings a new idea to the table.
Notes: This episode contains a discussion of two senses of the word datte.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 656
Voice Only Unread 145
Episode 57
The bosses consider Kona's idea.
Notes: This episode contains a note that breaks down a word that means "causing a feeling of intense dislike in others," and a review of caveat-introducing tadashi.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 540
Voice Only Unread 135
Episode 58
The cats thank Lily and the eagles for their help.
Notes: This episode contains a great sentence utilizing two verbs of giving and receiving attached directly to each other! Our breakdown will help you make sense of it.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 642
Voice Only Unread 132
Episode 59
With the battle resolved, Kona congratulates his brother and sister.
Notes: This episode contains a note about a sarcastic use of -te morau, one on the word mau, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 528
Voice Only Unread 135
Episode 60
The new events necessitate a last-minute change of plans.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "well-known," a note that breaks down the "I receive your allowing" pattern, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 649
Voice Only Unread 135
Episode 61
Kona and his older sister try to get help for their big brother.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that means "to go and do."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 529
Voice Only Unread 130
Episode 62
Kona goes for help.
Notes: This episode contains notes that look closely at several verbs.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 683
Voice Only Unread 135
Episode 63
Kona returns to his weakened brother.
Notes: This episode contains mostly straightforward vocabulary and grammar.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 528
Voice Only Unread 130
Episode 64
A nervous Kona finds himself once again on the way to the vet.
Notes: This episode contains a usage notes on two verbs, plus a discussion about the "I wish it were so!" use of noni.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 611
Voice Only Unread 130
Episode 65
The vet shares his diagnosis.
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of a word that can mean "twelve years (younger, older, etc.)" as well as "one size (bigger, smaller, etc.)."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 516
Voice Only Unread 131
Episode 66
As the doctor gives his recommendations, Kona learns more about what goes on at the veterinarian clinic.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the -naosu suffix for redoing things.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 631
Voice Only Unread 126
Episode 67
Ken makes a generous offer.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a use of kimochi that ties in to a discussion from earlier in the series.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 524
Voice Only Unread 126
Episode 68
Kona's brother looks to the future.
Notes: This episode breaks down several senses of the word ikura demo, showing how it eventually comes to mean "as much as you want."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 619
Voice Only Unread 126
Episode 69
Kona shares some of the rules governing life at the shrine.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern for listing rules and regulations, as well as one on a prefix that means "instant," which can also function as an adverb.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 507
Voice Only Unread 124
Episode 70
Kona shares his observations from the newly reorganized temple.
Notes: This episode contains a note on how to use a word that means "appropriate," a discussion of the expression wake ga nai, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 552
Voice Only Unread 125
Episode 71
A close call provides a learning opportunity.
Notes: This episode contains notes on an expression that means "one false move," one that means "to leave a person to their fate," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 497
Voice Only Unread 124
Episode 72
Kona admires his older brother.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the use of totemo with negative endings, a note on the tada that means "just a...; only a...," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 649
Voice Only Unread 128
Episode 73
Kona reflects on his feelings about Mocha, as a new development occurs at home.
Notes: This episode contains a note on names, one on a pattern for saying "I wish I could have...," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 480
Voice Only Unread 123
Episode 74
Kona gets to know his new little sister.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the " is!" pattern, as well as one on a pattern that means "no sooner...than..."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 565
Voice Only Unread 120
Episode 75
Despite earlier missteps, Kona takes his responsibilities as older brother seriously.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "sometimes it is one way, and sometimes it is another."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 476
Voice Only Unread 120
Episode 76
A small mishap lands Kona in trouble.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a verb that can be used in the pattern to speak of "mistakenly" doing something.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 581
Voice Only Unread 117
Episode 77
Kona and Yuki share a moment.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "to steel oneself," as well as a note explaining why an expression that seems to mean "she smiled smilingly" is not actually redundant.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 489
Voice Only Unread 114
Episode 78
As Kona looks on, Yuki reaches a milestone.
Notes: This episode contains a fun note on baby words, as well as one on a special usage called the spontaneous.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 617
Voice Only Unread 112
Episode 79
Kona makes two discoveries about Yuki.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means the speaker completely believed something that they now understand to be incorrect, plus a note on an expression that means "not a single one."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 493
Voice Only Unread 110
Episode 80
An unexpected guest pays a visit.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word for "shadow," one on the use of amari to mean "overcome with / overwhelmed with...," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 620
Voice Only Unread 108
Episode 81
Kona springs into action.
Notes: This episode contains dramatic expressions, a fun double-meaning, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 472
Voice Only Unread 111
Episode 82
The cougar taunts Kona.
Notes: This episode contains a note on an expression that means "even a single (minute, day, inch, etc.)," one on a pattern for asking if a person thought any such thing, and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 592
Voice Only Unread 107
Episode 83
Kona realizes what has happened.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a pattern that a parent or teacher might use to give you an instruction, by telling you what you're going to do.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 559
Voice Only Unread 111
Episode 84
Kona finds himself in a familiar place.
Notes: This episode contains a note on the word sei ("fault/blame"), and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 589
Voice Only Unread 111
Episode 85
Natsumi and Yuki help Kona fill in the missing pieces.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a word that means "(on) the way home."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 610
Voice Only Unread 107
Episode 86
Kona is showered with love and appreciation.
Notes: This episode contains a long note on counterfactual conditionals, which allow you to say "If X had happened, Y would have happened."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 590
Voice Only Unread 103
Episode 87
Kona reflects on how his views have matured.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a conjunction that means "far from (the preceding)..." and one on a word that means "a wrong understanding."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 571
Voice Only Unread 103
Episode 88
Kona reflects on his past, present, and future.
Notes: This episode contains a note on a special use of mono that means "a general tendency of the world."
Editions Status Total Readers
With Sound Effects Unread 542
Voice Only Unread 108